Frederic Sansoz, Professor
Curriculum vitae

Dr. Pavel Nikitin, Postdoctoral Research Associate
PhD, Materials Physics, Nat. Res. Tomsk State University, Russia (2021)
MS, Technical Physics, Nat. Res. Tomsk State University, Russia (2019)
BS, Technical Physics, Nat. Res. Tomsk State University, Russia (2017)
Research: Grain-boundary segregation and tensile properties of nanocrystalline alloys. Magnetron sputtering. Atomistic simulations. Physics-based machine-learning interatomic potential development.

Tara Nenninger, Graduate Student
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2021)
BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2019)
BS Mathematics, University of Vermont (2019)
Research: Atomistic spectral analysis of solute interactions and clustering at grain boundaries in polycrystals.

Chris Kombo, Graduate Student
BS Physics, Saint Michaels College (2023), minor in Mathematics
BA French, Saint Michaels College (2023)
Research: Atomistic simulation of mechanical behavior in high-entropy alloys.
Former Group Members:

Ethan Rubin, Senior Honors Thesis
BS Mechanical Engineering student, University of Vermont (2024)
Research: Size effects in 3D-printed 316L stainless steel.
Last sighted as: 3D printing technician, Advanced Manufacturing Center, Vermont Tech

Luc Capaldi, Undergraduate Research Assistant
BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2022)
Research:Reactive molecular dynamics simulation of high-temperature oxidation in nanocrystalline silicon-carbide
Last sighted as: PhD student, mechanical engineering, Univ. of Pennsylvania

Rodrigo Penide-Fernandez, PhD and Postdoctoral Fellow
PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2020)
Engineer Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (2015)
Escola de Enxenaria Industrial, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
Research:Microscale heat transfer and micromechanics
Last sighted as: R&D Scientist at Intel, Chandler, AZ

Khaoula Chougag, Graduate Research Assistant
MS Mechanical Engineering, Mississippi State University (2020)
BS Aerospace Engineering, International University of Rabat, Morocco (2019)
Research:In-situ SEM tensile micromechanics
Last sighted as: Graduate student, Univ. of Central Florida

Eve-Audrey Picard, MS student
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2021)
BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2020)
Research:Ni solute segregation and plasticity in nanocrystalline alloys
Last sighted as: R&D Engineer, EVNA Engineering, Canada

Ryan Pringle, MS student
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2021)
BS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2020)
Research:Atomistic simulation of plasticity in Ag-Ni nanolaminates
Last sighted as: Mechanical Engineer at General Dynamics – Electric Boat, Groton, CT

Akiva Gopalkrishnan, MS student
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2021)
BS Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Research:Finite-element modeling of deformation of random nanowire networks
Last sighted as: Mechanical Engineer at Husky IM, Milton, VT

Jacob Williams, MS student
MS Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2021)
BS Mechanical Engineering, Wentworth Institute of Technology
Research:Peridynamics simulation of repeated impact on a metal plate
Last sighted as: Mechanical Engineer at General Dynamics, Burlington, VT

Dr. Qiongjiali Fang, PhD student
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2020)
MS, Mechanical Engineering, University of Vermont (2015)
B.S. Materials Science & Engineering, Central South University (2013)
Research:Understanding grain boundary and stress concentration effects on strengthening mechanisms in nanotwinned metals

Dr. Zhiliang Pan, Postdoctoral Research Associate (2016-2019)
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte (2012)
B.Eng (2003) and M.Eng (2006) in Solid Mechanics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Research:Atomistic simulation studies of segregation and plasticity mechanisms in nanocrystalline Ag-Ni and Ag-Cu alloys
Last sighted as: Professor, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, China.

Dr. Xing Ke, PhD student
PhD, Materials Science, University of Vermont (2018)
M.S. Materials Physics & Chemistry, Dalian Univ. of Tech., China (2014)
B.S. Materials Physics, Wuhan Institute of Technology, China (2010)
Research:Grain-boundary segregation and strengthening mechanisms in nanocrystalline-nanotwinned Ag-Cu alloys
Last sighted as: Technology Development Engineer at Semiconductor Manufacturing International (Shanghai) Corporation, China.