The following faculty may invite an undergraduate researcher to join their lab next semester if the student’s interests and abilities align with the lab’s projects. Interested students should contact the faculty to discuss this possibility. Faculty not on this list may also accept suitable students. If you’ve found a faculty member to work with, contact Dr. Emily Mikucki (, the current biology department research coordinator, to set up credit.
Warshaw Lab
Warshaw Lab
Department: Molecular Physiology and BiophysicsM.D.Email:
Faculty Contact: Angela Ploysangngam
Project Notes:
Seeking inquisitive, self-motivated undergraduates for research in cardiac and skeletal muscle physiology. We use a model organism—the zebrafish—to ask questions about how muscles develop force and motion, and to understand muscle disease. Students will learn about fish husbandry, genetics, physiology and anatomy, and gain hands-on experience with cutting edge genetic approaches such as CRISPR gene editing. Students will be encouraged to take part in weekly group meetings, where they present their progress and learn about the other projects in the lab. No prior research experience is necessary, but a solid record of STEM coursework is encouraged. Time commitment: 5-8 hours/week. Reliability and punctuality is essential.
Insect Agroecology and Evolution Lab
Insect Agroecology and Evolution Lab
Department: Agriculture, Landscape, & Environment
Faculty Contact: Yolanda Chen, Ph.D.
Project Notes:
1-2 openings; We are currently focused on studying the role of epigenetics in responding to insecticidal stress in the Colorado potato beetle. Reply by Dec. 1 with a cover letter, resume, and transcript.
Freeman Lab
Freeman Lab
Department: Emergency Medicine
Faculty Contact: Kalev Freeman, Ph.D., M.D.
Project Notes:
1-2 openings; Freshmen/ Sophomores preferred, no experience needed. The Freeman laboratory studies trauma physiology. We are looking at the basic mechanisms of inflammation and blood clotting in small blood vessels, in order to help trauma patients survive and recover.
UVM Immunofoundry
UVM Immunofoundry
Department: Biomedical Engineering/Surgery
Faculty Contact: Dr. Dev Majumdar
Project Notes:
The Majumdar lab works on next generation mRNA therapeutics, next generation serology techniques, and SARS-CoV-2. The first term in the lab will involve assisting other projects and gaining experience with techniques at 10h/week; meeting attendance required for first term (3-5pm Fridays). Openings limited to Freshman/Sophomore students planning to pursue self-directed project at 10h/week for subsequent terms, leading to a senior thesis (15+h/week). Students may work on any project in engineering immunity/SARS/mRNA therapeutics they would like to, and will be given a project which they will ultimately lead.