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Peer Reviewed Journal Publications
- Bijay, K. C., & Ghazanfari, E. (2021). Geothermal reservoir stimulation through hydro-shearing: An experimental study under conditions close to enhanced geothermal systems. Geothermics, 96, 102200.
- Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E., & Amirlatifi, A. (2021). Variation of failure properties, creep response and ultrasonic velocities of sandstone upon injecting CO 2-enriched brine. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 7(2), 1-30.
- Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E., Amirlatifi, A., & Perdrial, N. (2021). Variation of pore-network, mechanical and hydrological characteristics of sandstone specimens through CO2-enriched brine injection. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 26, 100217.
- Amirlatifi, A., KC, B., Adibifard, M., Vahedifard, F., & Ghazanfari, E. (2021). Data analytics to investigate the cohort of injection wells with earthquakes in Oklahoma. Earthquake Spectra, 8755293021989725.
- Kamali-Asl, A., Bijay, K. C., Ghazanfari, E., & Falcon-Suarez, I. H. (2021). Alteration of ultrasonic signatures by stress-induced changes in hydro-mechanical properties of fractured rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 142, 104705.
- Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E., Amirlatifi, A., & Moradian, O. (2021). Evolution of fracture permeability and aperture during CO2 storage in varyingly cemented sedimentary rocks. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 100289.
- Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E., Amirlatifi, A., & Perdrial, N. (2020). Variation of pore-network, mechanical and hydrological characteristics of sandstone specimens through CO2-enriched brine injection. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 100217
- Shirole, D., Hedayat, A., Ghazanfari, E., & Walton, G. (2020). Evaluation of an ultrasonic method for damage characterization of brittle rocks. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-18
- Kamali-Asl, A., K-C, B., Ghazanfari, E., & Hedayat, A. (2019). Flow-induced alterations of ultrasonic signatures and fracture aperture under constant state-of-stress in a single-fractured rock. Journal of Geophysics, 84(4), 1-58
- Andrabi, S. G., Ghazanfari, E., & Vahedifard, F. (2019). An empirical relationship between Brooks–Corey and Fredlund–Xing soil water retention models. Journal of Porous Media, 22(11).
- Kamali-Asl., A., K-C., B., Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E., Cladouhosc, T., Stevens, M. (2019). Stress-Strain Response and Seismic Signature Analysis of Phyllite Reservoir Rocks from Blue Mountain Geothermal Field. Journal of Geothermics, 77, 204-223
- Vahedifard, F., Cao, T.D., Ghazanfari, E., Kumar, Thota, S.K. (2019) “Closed-Form Models for Nonisothermal Effective Stress of Unsaturated Soils.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145, no. 9 (2019): 04019053.
- Shahrokhabadi, S., Vahedifard, F., Ghazanfari, E., Foroutan, M. (2019). Earth Pressure Profiles in Unsaturated Soils under Transient Flow. Journal of Engineering Geology, 260 (2019): 105218
- Mortezaei, K., Amirlatifi, A., Ghazanfari, E., Vahedifard, F. (2018). Potential CO2 Leakage from Geological Storage Sites: Challenges and Recent Advances. Journal of Environmental Geotechnics,(2018): 1-25
- Kamali-Asl, A., Ghazanfari, E., Newell, P., Stevens, M. (2018). Elastic, Viscoelastic, and Strength Properties of Marcellus Shale Specimens. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 171 (2018) 662-679.
- Peraki, M., Ghazanfari, E., Pinder, G.F. (2018). Numerical Investigation of Two-phase Immiscible Flow for Oil Production Using a Combination of Waterflooding and Electrically-Enhanced Oil Recovery. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, no. 4 (2018): 1505-1518.
- Kamali-Asl, A., Ghazanfari, E., Hedayat, A., Deering, L. (2018). Investigation of Static/Dynamic Moduli and Plastic Response of Shale Specimens. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 110 (2018) 231-245
- Peraki, M., Ghazanfari, E., Pinder, G.F., (2018). Investigation of the Feasibility of Crude Oil Viscosity Change Under Applied Electrical Field in Porous Media and Its Significance for Transport Phenomena”. Journal of Porous Media, Vol. 22, Issue 6
- Latifi, N., Vahedifard, F., Ghazanfari, E., Rashid, A. S. (2018). Sustainable Usage of Calcium Carbide Residue for Stabilization of Clays. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Vol. 30, Issue 6 30,
- Vahedifard, F., Cao, T.D., Thota, S.K., Ghazanfari, E. (2018). Non-Isothermal Models for Soil Water Characteristic Curve. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical & Geo-environmental Engineering, 144(9), 04018061
- Kamali-Asl, A., Ghazanfari, E., Perdrial, N., Bredice, N. (2018). Experimental Study of Fracture Response in Granite Specimens Subjected to Hydrothermal Conditions Relevant for Enhanced Geothermal Systems. Geothermics 72 (2018) 205–224.
- Latifi, N., Vahedifard, F., Ghazanfari, E., Horpibulsuk, S., Marto, A., Williams, J. (2017). Sustainable Improvement of Clays Using Low-Carbon Nontraditional Additive. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(3), 04017162.
- Caulk, R., Ghazanfari, E., Perdrial, J., Perdrial, N. (2016). Experimental Investigation of Fracture Aperture and Permeability Change within Enhanced Geothermal Systems. Geothermics, Vol. 62, pp 12-21(2016)
- Villamor, R., Ghazanfari, E., Asanza, E. (2016). Geomechanical Characterization of Marcellus Shale. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol. 49, Issue 9, pp 3403–3424
- Caulk, R., Ghazanfari, E., McCartnery, J. (2016). Parameterization of a Calibrated Geothermal Energy Pile Model. Geomechanics for Energy and the Environment, 5 (2016) 1-15
- Peraki, M., Ghazanfari, E., Pinder, G.F., Harrington, T.L. (2016). Electrodialysis: Application for the Environmental Protection in Shale-gas Extraction. Separation and Purification, Vol. 161, pp 96–103
- Suleiman, M. T., Ni, L., Raich, A., Helm, J., Ghazanfari, E. (2015). Measured Soil-Structure Interaction for Concrete Piles Subjected to Lateral Loading. Canadian Geotechnical J., Vol. 52, pp. 1-12
- Yoon, S., Cheng, L., Ghazanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., Suleiman, M.T., (2015). A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Underground Communication for Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 24 Issue 3, pp 333-348
- Ghazanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., Pervizpour, M., Karpyn, Z. (2014). Investigation of Relative Permeability Coefficients for Electrically Oil Recovery. Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 105, pp. 235-253
- Ghazanfari, E., Shrestha, R., Miroshnik, A., Pamukcu, S. (2012). Electrically Assisted Liquid Hydrocarbon Transport in Porous Media. Electrochimica Acta, 86 (2012) 185-191
- Ghazanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., Yoon, S., Suleiman, M.T., Cheng, L. (2012). Geotechnical Sensing using Electromagnetic Attenuation in Radio Transceivers. Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (2012) 125017
- Yoon, S., Ghazanfari, E., Cheng, L., Wang, Z., Pamukcu, S., Suleiman M.T., (2012). Subsurface Event Detection and Classification Using Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensors, 12(11):14862-14886
- Muraoka, T., Ghazanfari, E., Shrestha, R., Pamukcu, S. (2011). Electrically Induced Pore Pressures in Clay Slurry. Separation and Purification, 79 (2011) 133–138
- Salehzadeh, H., Ghazanfari, E., (2004). Parametric Study of Carbonate Sands under Triaxial Shearing. International Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.2, No. 4, pp. 223-231
Peer Reviewed Conference Publications
- Foroutan, M., & Ghazanfari, E. Mineral Dissolution/Precipitation in Carbonate Rocks: Risks Posed by Climate Change-Induced Acidic Flow. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Extreme 2021 Conference (pp. 155-166).
- Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, A., Ossareh, H., & Ghazanfari, E. (2022). Geo-statistical Evaluation of the Intelligent Compaction Performance in a Reclaimed Base Project. 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (pp. 205-216).
- Foroutan, M., K-C, B., Ghazanfari, E. (2020). Evaluation of Correlations between Intelligent Compaction Measurement Values and In-situ Spot Measurements. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Congress 2020, Minneapolis, MN, 2020
- Thota, S., Cao, T., Vahedifard, F., Ghazanfari, E. (2020). An Effective Stress Model for Unsaturated Soils at Elevated Temperatures. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Congress 2020, Minneapolis, MN, 2020
- Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E. (2020). CO2-enriched brine injection’s impact on mechanical properties of a sandstone specimen. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, University of California, San Diego, September 2020
- K-C, B., M., Ghazanfari, E. (2020). Effect of fracture orientation on ultrasonic wave signatures. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, University of California, San Diego, September 2020
- K-C., Bijay, Foroutan, M., Ghazanfari, E. (2019). Analysis and Comparison of Estimated Static and Dynamic Moduli of a Dolostone Specimen. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Congress 2019, Philadelphia, PA, 2019
- K-C, B., Foroutan, M., Kamali-Asl, A., Ghazanfari, E., Cladouhos, T. (2019). Geomechanical Characterization of a Granodiorite Rock Specimen from Patua Geothermal Field. Proceedings of the 53rd US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, New York, NY, 2019
- Thota, S.K., Cao, T.D., Vahedifard, Ghazanfari, E. (2019). Stability Analysis of Unsaturated Slopes Under Nonisothermal Conditions. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Congress 2019, Philadelphia, PA, 2019
- Kamli-Asl, A., Ghazanfari, E., (2018). Response of Marcellus Shale Specimens to Cyclic Loading. Proceedings of International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2018, Orlando, FL, 2018
- Kamli-Asl, A., Ghazanfari, E., (2017). Investigating the Ductile Response of Marcellus Shale Formation. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Frontiers 2017, Orlando, FL, 2017
- Bucci, N., Ghazanfari, E., Lu, H. (2016). Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation for Sealing Rock Fractures. Proceedings of ASCE Geo-Chicago 2016, Chicago, IL, 2016
- Villamor Lora, R., Ghazanfari, E. (2015). Creep Behavior of Shale Formations in Shale Gas Development. Proceedings of International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2015 (IFCEE 2015), San Antonio, TX, 2015
- Peraki, M., Ghazanfari, E. (2015). Alternative Method of Flow-Back Water Treatment in Shale Gas Development for Environmental Protection. Proceedings of IFCEE 2015, San Antonio, TX, 2015
- Caulk, R., Ghazanfari, E. (2015). Investigation of Construction Specification Effects on Energy Pile Efficiency. Proceedings of IFCEE 2015, San Antonio, TX, 2015
- Villamor Lora, R., Ghazanfari, E. (2014). Geomechanical Characterization of Shale Formations for Sustainable Production. ASCE Shale Energy Engineering Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2014
- Shahrokhabadi, S., Vahedifard, F., Ghazanfari, E. (2014). Modeling Flow Regime in Shale using Isogeometric Analysis. ASCE Shale Energy Engineering Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2014
- Peraki, M., Ghazanfari, E. (2014). Electrodialysis Treatment of Flow-back Water for Environmental Protection in Shale Gas Development. Proceedings of ASCE Shale Energy Eng. Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2014
- Ghazanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., Karpyn, Z., Vahedifard, F. (2014). Characterization of Oil Bearing Sandstones for Sustainable Oil Production in Electrically Enhanced Oil Recovery. Proceedings of ASCE Geocongress, Atlanta, GA, 2014
- Pamukcu, S., Ghazanfari, E. (2014). Geo-sensing for Developing Sustainable Responses to Environmental Hazards Underground. Keynote Paper, Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress, Atlanta, GA, 2014
- Ghazanfari, E., Pervizpour, M., Pamukcu, S., (2012). Mathematical Modeling of Electrically Assisted Hydrocarbon Transport in Porous Media. Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress, Oakland, CA, 2012
- Ghazanfari, E., Yoon, S., Pamukcu, S., Suleiman, M.T., Cheng, L., (2012). Real Time Global Subsurface Monitoring using New Application of Wireless Signal Networks, proof of concept. Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress, Oakland, CA, 2012
- Ghazanfari, E., Yoon, S., Pamukcu, S., Suleiman, M.T., Cheng, L. (2012). Challenges of Geotechnical Sensing and Monitoring using Underground Wireless Signal Networks. Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structures and systems Conference, San Diego, CA, 2012
- Shrestha, R., Miroshnik, A., Ghazanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., (2012). Electrically Assisted Recovery of Immiscible Hydrocarbon Liquids from Clayey Formations. Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress, Oakland, CA, 2012
- Miroshnik, A., Ghazanfari, E., Shrestha, R., Pamukcu, S., (2012). Electrically Induced Transport of Immiscible Hydrocarbons in Clay Soil. Proceedings of ASCE GeoCongress, Oakland, CA, 2012
- Yoon S., Cheng L., Ghazanfari E., Wang, Z., Pamukcu S., Suleiman M.T., (2012). Subsurface Monitoring using Low Frequency Wireless Signal Networks. Proceedings of IEEE PerCom Conference, Luzano, Switzerland, 2012
- Ghazanfari, E., Yoon, S., Dong, Y., Li, X., Medina, C., Seserko, S., Cheng, L., Pamukcu, S., (2011). Subsurface Geo-event Monitoring using Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of ASCE GeoFrontiers Conference, Dallas, TX, 2011
- Yoon, S., Cheng, L., Ghazanfari, E., Pamukcu, S., and Suleiman, M.T., (2011). A Radio Propagation Model for Wireless Underground Sensor Networks. Proceedings of IEEE Globecom Conference, Houston, TX, 2011
- Yoon, S., Ghazanfari, E., Cheng, L., Suleiman, M.T., Pamukcu, S., (2011). Subsurface Geo-applications of Wireless Signal Networks. Proceedings of SPIE Smart Structure Conference, San Diego CA, 2011