Lab Projects

Teach for Justice Lab Projects

This page provides a brief overview of Teach for Justice Lab Projects as well as links to resources when relevant. If you wish to learn more about a specific project, please feel free to email us at

Ongoing: Social Justice Advocacy Strategies

The Teach for Justice Lab is in the process of creating a set of Social Justice Advocacy Strategies that are informed by research and the experiences of social justice advocates in the field. In Spring 2023, we shared a set of draft strategies with social justice educators and activists to seek feedback and collectively refine the strategies. We are currently in the process of revising the strategies based on this feedback. The resulting resource will be published to this website, shared broadly with the social justice education community, and used to support our lab initiatives.

Project Leads: Jessica DeMink-Carthew, Kathleen Brinegar, Kristie Smith & Lucia Liencres

This project as created in response to a request by education activists in our network for more resources connected to the topic of conflict resolution. The Conflict Resolution Resource Guide includes definitions and a list of curated resources related to the following topics: transformative justice, conflict transformation, calling in vs calling out, community accountability, healing-centered engagement, courageous conversations, appreciative inquiry, restorative justice, and creative problem solving.

Project Lead: Harry Marek

Ongoing: Teach for Justice Lab Liaisons for Edmunds Middle School YPAR

UVM students in the Teach for Justice Lab have the opportunity to work with and support the work of the Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) group at Edmunds Middle School. Teach for Justice Lab liaisons attend the YPAR class at Edmunds Middle School and in partnership with the YPAR classroom teachers, support the various justice-oriented initiatives that the middle school students in YPAR are leading. You can learn more about YPAR at Edmunds Middle School at this website: YPAR@EMS.

YPAR Liaisons Past & Present: Dean Impastato, Lucia Liencres & Pigeon Nelson

Ongoing: Crowdsourced Unlearning Resources

Over the past few years, we have been crowdsourcing resources that folx have found to be impactful in their journey to unlearn and disrupt oppressive ideologies. We offer them here as a Crowdsourced Starter List that include a mix of podcasts, books, and websites. Got a resource you love and would recommend to others for unlearning/disrupting oppressive ideologies? Email us at

Project Leads: Lucia Liencres & Jessica DeMink-Carthew

Women in STEM Classroom Posters

This project was created as part of an advocacy project in EDML 3200 Social Justice Education and is shared here so that the posters can be easily accessed by educators. Download, print, share, and use as you see fit!

Project Lead: Alexander Tlili

Youth Friendly Website of Social Justice Activists

This project was inspired by a request from social justice educators at Edmunds Middle School in Burlington, VT. The goal of this project was to create a curated website for Grade 6 students to use to learn about the work of some contemporary social justice activists. The resulting Social Justice Activists Website was designed for use by learners who are in the middle grades or older but also includes a few entries (coded with a *) that are designed with emergent readers in mind. We encourage other social justice educators to use this website to inspire youth activism and infuse critical hope into their social justice teaching.

Project Lead: Kay Trevett; Project Partner: Caleb Marcus

Advocacy for Indigenous Education

In the Spring of 2022, the Teach for Justice Lab launched a student-led initiative to advocate for greater visibility and exposure to Indigenous perspectives within the UVM College of Education and Social Services. This initiative led to the creation of a report and proposal, which included findings from a student survey as well as recommendations for curriculum innovation and faculty support.

Project Co-Leads: Sage WhiteCloud and Kay Trevett

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