
For our NE SARE agrivoltaic project, we have brought together a team representing a diverse group of scientists, including entomologists, and specialty crop agronomists, statistical analysis specialists; and an advisory group to assist with guiding the program, made up of state specialists and farmers. This team will expand as the project evolves.

University of Vermont

Bruce Parker (PI), Professor/program leader, UVM; over 60 years of diverse agricultural experience, including IPM and agronomics. He also raises beef cattle commercially and has direct knowledge of the importance of economic viability, and the impact of climate change on production.  He is overseeing the research components of the NE SARE project.

Margaret Skinner, Research Professor/Extension Entomologist; over 35 years working on Integrated Pest Management with growers for specialty crops, leader of the Tri-state Greenhouse IPM program. She is assisting in coordination of outreach for the project.

Terence Bradshaw, Department Chair, Plant & Soil Science, Assistant Professor/Director, UVM Horticultural Research Center/Catamount Farm.  He has worked for over 20 years on specialty-crop production; and manages UVM’s commercial vegetable farm. He is overseeing crop production in and around the vertical arrays and will assist with demonstration events at the site.

Laura Eckman, Ph.D. candidate

Cheryl Frank Sullivan, Research Associate Professor, UVM, has 20 years of experience with IPM and other agricultural research topics. She designed and manages this agrivoltaic website.


Kyle Kiser, Project Development Director, iSun Energy, a Vermont-based business serving the needs of solar energy for the Northeast and nationally. He is a solar power expert. He is overseeing erection of the vertical array. iSun Energy is committed to erecting three 150-ft long rows of vertical panels in early 2024, after the permitting process is complete. They will also install an extensive set of equipment to collect data for assessing the system, including energy generation and meteorological variables (wind, solar radiation, temperature, precipitation, etc.) to complement data collected by UVM.

Project Advisory Committee

This group plays a key role in research development and considering factors challenging farmer adoption of agrivoltaics. Their knowledge and experience in agriculture, engineering, solar/renewable energy and legislative policy ensures obstacles to assessing this system and encouraging adoption are addressed.

Arash Ghalehglabbehbahani, Agroecologist, Research Director, Rodale Institute; 15-years of experience with specialty crop production.

Scott Case, owner, Patchwork Farm/Greenhouse, PA and chair of PA Sustainable Ag. Assoc. (PASA); owns 140-acre diversified farm, selling vegetables, saffron, and cut flowers; has degrees in business and solar heating and cooling.

Michael Isham, owner, Isham Family Farm, Williston, VT, 5th-generation dairy farmer on 108-acre farm. For 16 years he has developed a diversified farm, producing high-value specialty crops. We need to check on his interest.

Dan Harvey, UVM Office of VP for Research, Solar Review Board member; oversees administration of UVM research, and coordinates UVM’s solar installations; has a communications degree which prepares him to promote project findings to farmers.

Fitzroy Beckford, UVM Assoc. Dean/UVM Extension Director; has >10 years in Extension involved with agriculture, natural resource management and environmental sustainability, communications and marketing leadership.    

Alex DePillis, Senior Agriculture Development Coordinator, VT Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets; developed and installed wind/solar projects for >28 years; advises state personnel and farmers on renewable energy policy.