The Carse wetland natural area is home to many Vermont native species of plants and trees as well as some rare species. These species in particular are considered rare due to the smaller ecological niche they fulfill in Vermont. Carse wetlands is home to a handful of rare species including bog wintergreen (pyrola asarifolia), hairy-wood-mint (Blephilia hirsuta), wild millet (proso millet), coffee tinker’s-weed (triosteum perfoliatum), large yellow lady’s slipper (cypripedium parviflorum), and American ginseng. The protection of these rare species is incredibly important due to their limited suitable habitats across the U.S. . These species can contribute to the biodiversity and the genetic diversity in the Carse wetland natural area. With the ever-changing environmental conditions in Vermont, it is important to monitor the presence and conditions of rare species because they may thrive under harsher future environmental conditions. Many of these species are native to the western United States, so observing their native climates and the climate in Carse can allow us to determine their potential for success in the future climate. Along with observing the native range of rare plants, it is also important to observe the more extreme ends of those native ranges to see where they can thrive and potentially increase biodiversity in the future. Visuals are a key aspect to ensuring the proper identification of rare species and clearing any confusion with any other visually similar species of plants. Successful identification and preservation of these rare species is the key to preserving the continuous biodiversity of the Carse wetland natural area for generations.
Bog Wintergreen (pyrola asarifolia)
Species Range:
Bog wintergreen is native to western North America, primarily found in forested areas in the Pacific Northwest and northern California. Blooms are more frequently spotted in the warmer months of the year from May to August. Pyrola Asarifolia is rare in New England only existing in smaller ranges within wetlands.
Bog wintergreen can be spotted on the ground of wetland areas. It is categorized by basal leaves with a simple rounded shape, vivid green color and shiny appearance. Bog wintergreen is most easily identified by its flower stalk ranging from 10-20 centimeters in height, holding roughly a dozen pink/light purple bell-shaped flowers. Each of the flowers has five petals that are radially symmetrical.
Pyrola asarifolia has been used as effective pain relief for rheumatism. The leaves and roots are often used as an eyewash for sore eyes as well. This acts primarily as a topical pain relieving agent.
Hairy Wood-Mint (blephilia hirsuta)
Species Range:
Hairy wood-mint is native to eastern North America with its western range extending as far as Nebraska and Kansas. It is primarily found on or around cliffs, ledges, floodplains, forests and wetlands. This species has two varieties, both of which are rare in New England. One, known as blephilia hirsuta var. Glabrata is an endemic species in Vermont, meaning it is restricted to a small geographic area.
Hairy wood-mint can be spotted by its long central stem with white hairs and the stems ending with flowers. The central stem can range anywhere from one to four feet tall. The leaves lining the stem are opposite to each other with two leaves on each node. All leaves come to a point with teeth on the edges of the leaf blades. The bunches of flowers range from white to a light blue or purple. Flowers consist of five petals with bilateral symmetry. Blephilia hirsuta is primarily spotted during the warmer summer months from June to August.
Hairy wood-mint has no medical uses, but it is commonly used in gardens due to its pleasant aroma. It is highly effective at attracting pollinators.
Wild Millet (proso millet)
Species Range:
Wild millet was originally domesticated in Northern China used for cultivation. Due to the widespread use in agriculture for food purposes as well as intercrops, wild millet can now be found naturalized around the world. Wild millet has similar requirements to maize consisting of direct sun, warmer temperatures and lighter loose soils. This species is drought-resistant, so it is typically found in areas that are not consistently wet.
Wild millet can be identified by its corn-like stalk appearance. It has a long central stem with long blade-like leaves. The flowers range from a light pink to a deep red color and are attached directly to the branches rather than the main axis.
Proso millet is commonly used in livestock and bird feed mixtures. It is frequently used as a cover crop due to its ability to grow relatively quickly under a variety of conditions. Millet seeds are often added to herbaceous mixes to create habitat and field buffers.
Coffee-Tinker’s Weed (triosteum perfoliatum)
Species Range:
Coffee-tinker’s weed can be found in forests, meadows, woodlands and fields in the eastern half of North America. This species is only found in southern New England with sightings in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Some have been spotted near the Canadian border.
Coffee-Tinker’s weed can be identified by its flowers, fruits and buds located on the central stem directly above leaves. Flowers are pitcher-shaped in shades of yellow, green, brown, blue and purple. The fruits look like small oranges attached to the central stem. Leaves have hairs and teeth on the ends. Leaves are opposite on the stems with two on each node.
The roots are commonly used as cold and pneumonia remedies in Cherokee and Iroquois cultures. The roots are typically used to create a blend consumed as a tonic. The fruits can be dried out, ground and used as a substitute for coffee, hence the name ‘wild coffee’.
Large Yellow Lady’s Slipper (cypripedium parviflorum)
Species Range:
Large yellow lady’s slipper can be found in forests, river shorelines, shrublands, swamps, wetland margins and woodlands. Due to the wide variety of suitable habitats, this species can be found across the United States. The New England range is more rare for this species.
The large yellow lady’s slipper is an orchid with yellow, orange and white coloration. The flowers themselves have a pouch-like shape with no nectar spurs, the base of the flower has three purple petal-like structures pointing outwards from the bud. The leaves are long and blade-like in an alternate pattern down the stem with one leaf per node.
Yellow lady’s slipper is commonly used in native cultures and modern herbalism to treat insomnia, anxiety and depression. The roots are commonly used to make tinctures for stress and anxiety. The name ‘lady’s slipper’ originated from an Ojibwe legend about a tribe threatened by a plague. A young girl made a journey through the snow to find medicine for the sick members of her tribe. She was successful, but along the way she lost her moccasins, leaving a trail of bloody footprints in the snow. The following spring moccasin flowers arose from the footprints left behind.
American Ginseng (panax quinquefolius)
Species Range:
American ginseng is typically found in forests, swamps and other wetlands. It is distributed throughout the eastern half of North America. American ginseng is present but rare in New England states. Ginseng thrives in full shade environments within deciduous forests with dominant hardwood species.
American ginseng is typically found closer to the ground with whorled leaves in groups of five. Leaves are compound with teeth at the end of the leaf blades. Flowers appear in small clusters, in green and white shades with five petals. Flowers are radially symmetrical and produce small red fruits.
The roots produced by American ginseng are commonly used as immune system boosters. Ginseng affects the energy metabolism in muscles, allowing them to work longer before getting fatigue. Today it is commonly used for reducing blood sugar and improving general wellbeing.
Bog Wintergreen (pyrola asarifolia). iNaturalist. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2023, from
Medicinal Herbsbog Wintergreenpyrola asarifolia. medicinal herbs: BOG WINTERGREEN – Pyrola asarifolia. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2023, from
Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant Guide – USDA. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2023, from
Pyrola asarifolia – pink shinleaf. Native Plant Trust: Go Botany. (n.d.). Retrieved April 30, 2023, from
- University of Vermont Board of Trustees. (1974). Natural Areas University of Vermont. . . a resolutions of the Board of Trustees.