News in 2021
- 09/2021 Mr. Amir Rajabpoor Alisepahi is joining our group as a PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering starting in the Spring. Welcome!
- 08/2021 Our paper titled Spatial correlations of entangled polymer dynamics has been accepted by Physical Review E. Congratulations!
- 04/2021 Mr. Logan Larose has won the prestigious UVM ME Undergraduate Research Award. Congratulations, Logan!
- 01/2021 Our paper titled Spatiotemporal mapping of mesoscopic liquid dynamics has been accepted by Physical Review E. Congratulations!
News in 2020
- 11/2020 PI Jihong Ma has won the Early EXtra Promotion of REsearch and Scholarly Success grant award at UVM.
- 10/2020 Dr. Eshagh Farzaneh Joubaneh joined our group as a postdoctoral associate. Welcome to our lab, Eshagh!
- 10/2020 Our group has been granted computational allocations at OLCF.
- 09/2020 Mr. Logan Larose joined our group as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome to our lab, Logan!
- 06/2020 Our CNMS user facility proposal has been approved.
- 04/2020 PI Jihong Ma is the organizer of the mini-symposium Advances In Polymer Modeling And Simulations under Track 7 – Soft, Active Materials and Applications in Soft Robotics at the 2020 Society of Engineering Science (SES) Annual Technical Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. Please submit your abstract here before the deadline (4/15/2020). (Postponed to Oct 2021 due to COVID-19).
- 03/27/2020 Our paper titled Switchable phonon diodes using nonlinear topological Maxwell lattices is published in Physical Review B. Congratulations!
- 03/05/2020 Jihong Ma will chair the session Electric Polarization and Polymer Physics at the 2020 March American Physical Society (APS) Meeting in Denver, CO.
- 03/03/2020 Jihong Ma received the APS Division of Materials Physics (DMP) Post-doctoral Travel Award for the 2020 March APS Meeting in Denver, CO. Thanks again for the support from ORNL!
- 03/02/2020 Jihong Ma received the APS Division of Computational Physics (DCOMP) Travel Award for the 2020 March APS Meeting in Denver, CO. Thanks for the support from ORNL!
- 03/02/2020 Jihong Ma will present her work entitled Spatiotemporal Mapping of Polymer Dynamics conducted at ORNL at the 2020 March APS Meeting in Denver, CO.
News in 2019
- 10/08/2019 Our paper titled Valley Hall In-Plane Edge States as Building Blocks for Elastodynamic Logic Circuits is published in Physical Review Applied. Congratulations!
- 05/13/2019 Jihong Ma joined the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as a postdoctoral associate.