
Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

Worely, II, R. L., Jarrar, Z. A., Alshibli, K., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2022), “Suitability of split box direct tension testing for measuring tensile strength of regolith simulants,” J. of Aerospace Engineering, 36(1), link.

Worley, L.C., Underwood, K. L., Vartanian, N. L. V., Dewoolkar, M. M., Matt, J. E., and Rizzo, D. M. (2022), “Semi-automated hydraulic model wrapper to support stakeholder evaluation: A floodplain reconnection study using 2D hydrologic engineering center’s river analysis system,” River Research and Applications, 38(4), p.799-809, link.

Chen, J., Olson, S. M., Banerjee, S., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Dubief, Y. (2022), “Water content of moist-tamped nonplastic specimens for constant-volume direct simple shear testing,” Technical Note, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 45(2).

Rao, S., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2021), “Portrayal of engineers and engineering in United States broadcast network television evening news media,” Journal of Civil Engineering Education, 147(3), link.

Liu, Z., Worley II, R., Du, F., Giles, C., Dewoolkar, M., Huston, D., Tan, T. (2021), “A study on avalanches of early-age basalt fiber reinforced concrete beams during flexure” Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123695, link.

Huston D. R., Worley II, R. L., Dewoolkar, M. M., Pereira, M., (2021) “Acoustic emission monitoring of prestressed girders during fabrication and transport” American Concrete Institute Structural Journal. 118(2).

Liu, Z., Worley II, R., Du, F., Huston, D., Dewoolkar, M., and Tan, T. (2021), “Measurement of stress-time avalanches inside polypropylene fiber reinforced concrete beams during flexure,” Construction and Building Materials, 270, 121428, link.

Liu, Z., Worley II, R., Du, F., Dewoolkar, M., Huston, D., Tan, T. (2021), “Stress avalanches of polyethylene terephthalate fiber-reinforced concrete beams during flexure” Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33(12), 04021355, link.

Anderson, I., Hanley, J., Rizzo, D. M., Huston, D. R., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2020), “Evaluating damage to Vermont bridges by Hurricane Irene with multivariate bridge inspection and stream hydrogeologic data,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 25(10), link.

Liu, Z., Worley II, R., Giles, C., Du, F., Dewoolkar, M., Huston, D., and Tan, T. (2020), “Avalanches during flexure of early-age steel fiber reinforced concrete beams”, Materials and Structures, 53, 76, link.

Trueheart, M., Dewoolkar, M. M., Rizzo, D. M., Huston, D., and Bomblies, A. (2020), “Simulating hydraulic interdependence between bridges along a river corridor under transient flood conditions,” Science of the Total Environment, 699, 134046, link.

Hamshaw, S. D., Engel, T., Rizzo, D. M., O’Neil-Dunne, J., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2019), “Application of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) for monitoring bank erosion along river corridors,” Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 10:1, 1285-1305. link.

Worley II, W., Dewoolkar, M. M., Xia, T., Farrell, B.; Orfeo, D., Burns, D., and Huston, D. (2019), “Acoustic emission sensing for crack monitoring in prefabricated and prestressed reinforced concrete bridge girders,” Journal of Bridge Engineering, 24(4), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001377. This paper was also selected by the editors to be included in a special collection of the ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering on Accelerated Bridge Construction, 25(12), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001643.

Worley II, R., Dewoolkar, M., Xia, T., Pereira, M., Farrell, R., Orfeo D., Burns, D., Huston, D. R., (2019) “Structural health monitoring of prefabricated and prestressed reinforced concrete northeast bulb tee girders during fabrication and transport using acoustic emission technology” Journal of Acoustic Emissions, Vol 36, pp S118-S123.

Ampaw, E., Owoseni, T. A., Du, F., Pinilla, N., Obayemi, J., Hu, J., Nigay, P-M., Nzihou, A., Uzonwanne, V., Zebaze-Kana, M. G., Dewoolkar, M., Tan, T., and Soboyejo, W. (2019), “Compressive deformation and failure of trabecular structures in a turtle shell,” Acta Biomaterialia, 97, 535-543.

Oka, L. G., Dewoolkar, M. and Olson, S. M. (2018), “Comparing laboratory-based liquefaction resistance of a sand with non-plastic fines with shear wave velocity-based field case histories,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 113, 162-173.

Hamshaw, S. D., Dewoolkar, M. M., Schroth, A. W., Wemple, B. C. and Rizzo, D. M. (2018), “A new machine-learning approach for classifying hysteresis in suspended-sediment discharge relationships using high-frequency monitoring data,” Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2017WR022238.

Frolik, J., Lens, J. E., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Weller, T. M. (2018), “Effects of soil characteristics on passive wireless sensor interrogation,” IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(8), 3454-3460.

Hayden, C., Purchase-Sanborn, K., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2018), “Comparison of site-specific and empirical correlations for drained residual shear strength,” Geotechnique, 68(12), 1099-1108.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Edwards, M. B., and Walsh, D. (2018), “Strength and stiffness characterization of lunar simulant GRC-3,” Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 31(4): 04018024.

Underwood, K. L., Rizzo, D. M., Schroth, A. W., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2017), “Evaluating spatial variability in sediment and phosphorous concentration-discharge relationships using Bayesian inference and self-organizing maps,” Water Resources Research, 10.1002/2017WR021353,

Alghamdi, S., Tan, T., Hale-Sills, C., Vilmont, F., Xia, T., Yang, J., Huston, D. and Dewoolkar, M. (2017), “Catastrophic failure of nacre under pure shear stresses of tension,” Scientific Reports – Nature, 7:12123,

Hamshaw, S. D., Bryce, T., Rizzo, D. M., O’Neil-Dunne, J., Frolik, J., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2017), “Quantifying streambank movement and topography using unmanned aircraft system photogrammetry with comparison to terrestrial laser scanning,” River Research and Applications, 33, 1354-1367.

Anderson, I. A., Rizzo, D. M., Huston, D. R., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2017), “Analysis of bridge and stream conditions of over 300 Vermont bridges damaged in Tropical Storm Irene”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 13(11), 1437-1450,

Anderson, I., Rizzo, D. M., Huston, D. R., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2017), “Stream power application for bridge-damage probability mapping based on empirical evidence from Tropical Storm Irene”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, 22(5),

Brand, M. W., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Rizzo, D. M. (2017), “Use of sacrificial embankments to minimize bridge damage from scour during extreme flow events,” Natural Hazards, 87(3), 1469-1487.

Edwards, M. B., Dewoolkar, M. M., Huston, D. R., Creager, C. (2017), “Bevameter testing on simulant Fillite for planetary rover mobility applications”, Journal of Terramechanics, 70, 13-26,

Howard, L.J., Anderson, I. A., Underwood, K., Dewoolkar, M. M., Deschaine, L.M., and Rizzo, D. M. (2016), “Heuristic assessment of sensitivity using differential evolution: case study for linking floodplain encroachment and bridge scour,” Environmental Systems Research, 5(20), DOI: 10.1186/s40068-016-0071-4.

Grover, D., Savidge, C. R., Townsend, L., Rosario, O., Hu, L.-B., Rizzo, D. M., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2016), “Surface permeability of natural and engineered porous building materials”, Construction and Building Materials, 112, 1088-1100.

Edwards, M. B., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Huston, D. R. (2016), “Geotechnical properties of Fillite – simulant for planetary rover mobility studies”, ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 29(5),

Dewoolkar, M. M., Hargy, J., Anderson, I., de Alba, P., and Olson, S. M. (2016), “Residual and postliquefaction strength of a liquefiable sand”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 142(2), 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001374, 04015068.

Dewoolkar, M. M., and Olson, S. M. (2016) “Closure to Residual and Postliquefaction Strength of a Liquefiable Sand”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering.

Anderson, I., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2015), “Durability of fly ash pervious concrete for freeze-thaw in a simulated field environment”, ACI Materials Journal, 112(5), 603-612.

Gomez, B. W., Dewoolkar, M. M., Lens, J. E., and Benda, C. C. (2014), “Effects of fines content on hydraulic conductivity and shear strength of granular structural backfill”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2462, 1-6. DOI: 10.3141/2462-01.

Suozzo, M., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2014), “Evaluation of strength and hydraulic testing methods of pervious concrete”, ACI Materials Journal, 111(1), 23-34.

Hu, L., Savidge, C., Rizzo, D., Hayden, N. Hagadorn, W., and Dewoolkar, M. (2013), “Commonly used porous building materials: geomorphic pore structure and fluid transport”, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 25(12), 1803-1812. 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000706.

Oka, L. G., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Olson, S. (2012), “Effects of existing earth dams on liquefaction potential analysis of foundation soils”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 43, 33-44. doi: 10.1061/40904(223)7.

Suozzo, M. J., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2012), “Long-term field monitoring and evaluation of maintenance practices of pervious concrete pavements in Vermont”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2292, Maintenance and Preservation, 94-103. DOI:

Bielefeldt, A. R., Dewoolkar, M. M., Caves, K. M., Berdanier, B. W., and Paterson, K. G. (2011), “Diverse models for incorporating service projects into engineering capstone design courses”, International Journal of Engineering Education, 27(6), 1206-1220.

Hayden, N. J., Rizzo, D. M., Dewoolkar, M., Neumann, M. D., Lathem, S., and Sadek, A. (2011), “Incorporating a Systems Approach into Civil and Environmental Engineering Curricula: Effect on Course Redesign, and Student and Faculty Attitudes”, ASEE Advances in Engineering Education, Summer Issue.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Porter, D., and Hayden, N. J. (2011). “Service-learning in engineering education and heritage preservation”, International Journal of Architectural Heritage Conservation, Analysis and Restoration, 5, 613-628.

McCain, G. N., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2010), “Porous concrete pavements: mechanical and hydraulic properties”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2164, Washington D.C., 66-75.

Dewoolkar, M. M., George, L. A., Hayden, N. J., and Rizzo, D. M. (2009), “Vertical integration of service-learning into civil and environmental engineering curricula”, International Journal of Engineering Education, 56(6), 1257-1269.

Dewoolkar, M. M., George, L. A., Hayden, N. J., and Neumann, M. (2009), “Hands-on undergraduate geotechnical engineering modules in the context of effective learning pedagogies, ABET outcomes, and curricular reform”, ASCE J. of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 135(4), 161-175. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1052-3928(2009)135:4(161)

George, L. A., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Znidarcic, D. (2009), “Simultaneous laboratory measurements of acoustic and hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils”, Vadose Zone Journal, 8(3), 633-642, doi: 10.2136/vzj2008.0139.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Chan, A. H. C., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (2008), “Finite element simulations of seismic effects on retaining walls with liquefiable backfills”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 33(6), 791-816, DOI: 10.1002/nag.748.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Hwang, J., and Ko, H. Y. (2008), “Physical and finite element modeling of lateral stability of offshore skirted gravity structures subjected to iceberg impact load”, Ocean Engineering, 35(16), 1615-1626, doi:10.1016/j.oceaneng.2008.08.005.

Doris, J. J., Rizzo, D. M., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2007), “Forecasting vertical ground surface movement from shrinking/swelling soils with artificial neural networks”, International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 32(10), 1229-1245, DOI: 10.1002/nag.666.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Santichaianant, K., and Ko, H. Y. (2007), “Centrifuge modeling of granular soil response over active circular trapdoors“, Soils and Foundations, 47(5), 931-945.

Wei, C. and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2006) “A simple formulation of capillary hysteresis with internal state variables”, Water Resources Research, 42, W07405, 1-16. DOI:10.1029/2005WR004594.

Dewoolkar, M. M., and Huzjak, R. J. (2005) “Drained residual shear strength of some claystones from Front Range, Colorado”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 131(12), 1543-1551. DOI: 10.1061/ASCE1090-02412005131:121543.

Dewoolkar, M. M., and Huzjak, R. J. (2007) “Closure to Drained residual shear strength of some claystones from Front Range, Colorado”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 133(9), 1174.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Goddery, T., and Znidarcic, D. (2003) “Centrifuge modeling for undergraduate geotechnical engineering education”, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 26(2), 201-209.

Hwang, J., Dewoolkar, M., and Ko, H-Y. (2002), “Stability analysis of two-dimensional excavated slopes considering strength anisotropy”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 39, 1026-1038. DOI: 10.1139/T02-057.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (2001). “Seismic behavior of cantilever retaining walls with liquefiable backfills”, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 127(5), 424-435. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2001)127:5(424).

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (2000), “Experimental developments for studying static and seismic behavior of retaining walls with liquefiable backfills”, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 19(8), 583-594. DOI:

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (1999), “Centrifuge modelling of models of seismic effects on saturated earth structures”, Geotechnique, 49(2), 247-266. DOI: †

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., Stadler, A. T., and Astaneh, S. M. F. (1999), “A substitute pore fluid for seismic centrifuge modeling”, ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, 22(3), 196-210. DOI:

Editorship and Invited Publications

Editorial Board Member of Geotechnical Testing Journal since 2006.

Guest Editor: NSF Sponsored Department-Level Reform Initiative, Advances in Engineering Education, 2011, 2(4).

Rizzo, D.M., M.M. Dewoolkar and N.J. Hayden (2013), “Transferable Skills Development in Engineering Students: Analysis of Service-Learning Impact,” Book Chapter in Philosophy and Engineering: Reflections on Practice, Principles and Process, D. P. Michelfelder, N. McCarthy, and D. E. Goldeberg (eds.), Springer Press, 65-78.

Huston, D. R., Burns, D. C., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2014), “Integration of automated and robotic systems with BIM for comprehensive structural assessment”, 6WCSCM (6th World Conference of the Association for Structural Control and Monitoring, July 15-17, Barcelona, Spain. (Invited lecture).

Bryson, L. S., Acheampong, K., Bandini, P., Bhatia, S., Dewoolkar, M., Iskander, M., Reddy, K. R., Streich, V., Sukumaran, B., and Culligan, P. J. (2013), “Diversity in Geo-Engineering”, Geo-Strata, November/December issue, 38-41.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Huzjak, R. J., and Castro, G. (2005) “Application of finite element analysis in the geotechnical design aspects of a new earth dam”, The Journal of Dam Safety, March, 29-39.

Ko, H. Y. and Dewoolkar, M. M. (1998), “Modeling liquefaction in centrifuges”, International Workshop on the Physics and Mechanics of Soil Liquefaction, Lade & Yamamuro (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, September, 307-322. (Invited lecture).

Dewoolkar, M. M. and Ko, H. Y. (1998), “A study of seismic effects on retaining walls and philosophies behind centrifuge modeling”, Proceedings of the Fifth U.S.-Japan Workshop on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering: Soil Dynamics Studies by Use of Centrifuge, Tokyo, Japan. (Invited lecture).

Peer-reviewed Conference Publications

Chen, J., Olson, S. M., Banerjee, S., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Dubief, Y. (2022), “Overburden normalization for in-flight centrifuge miniature cone penetration testing in sand,” Geo-Congress 2022, link.

Chen, J., Olson, S. M., Banerjee, S., Dewoolkar, M. M. (2020), “Effect of shear strain rate on undrained shearing resistance of a clean silica sand measured in direct simple shear tests,” Tailings and Mine Waste 2020.

Worley II, R. L., Obregon, L., Feldeisen, L., Nimberger, B., Palmer, C., Dewoolkar, M. M., (2021) “Investigation into measuring low levels of cohesion of regolith simulates” Proceedings of the ASCE Earth and Space Conference 2021, 243-253.

Huston, D., Worley II, R., Dewoolkar, M., and Pereira, M. (2019), “Modeling of detensioning and transport of prefabricated and prestressed reinforced concrete bridge girders,” 9th Int. Conf. on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, August, St. Louis, Missouri.
Worley II, R. L., Dewoolkar, M. M., Xia T., Pereira, M., Farrell R., Orfeo D.,

Burns D., Huston D. R., (2019) “Structural health monitoring of prefabricated and prestressed reinforced concrete northeast bulb tee girders during fabrication and transport using acoustic emission technology” 9th International Conference on Acoustic Emission (ICAE-9) and the 61st meeting of the Acoustic Emission Working Group(AEWG-61). ICAE9-#55.

Banerjee, S., Chen, J., Hitt, D. L., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Olson, S. M. (2019), “Computational fluid dynamics-based modeling of liquefied soils,” VII Int. Conf. on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, July, Rome, Italy.

Hamshaw, S. D., Underwood, K. L., Rizzo, D. M., O’Neil-Dunne, J., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2019). Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) photogrammetry for tracking streambank erosion and geomorphic change along a protected river corridor. Eighth Int. Conf. on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, 150-159.

Oka, L. G., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2018), “Influence of non-plastic fines on laboratory shear wave velocity measurements and cyclic resistance,” IFCEE 2018: Recent Developments in Geotechnical Engineering Practice.

Hamshaw, S. D., Bryce, T., O’Neil Dunne, J., Rizzo, D. M., Frolik, J., Engel, T., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2017), “Quantifying streambank erosion using unmanned aerial systems at the site-specific and river network scales,” GeoCongress 2017.

Akimana, R. M., Bista, H., Seo, Y., Li, L., Howard, L. J., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Hu, L.-B. (2016) “Multi-scale experimental and numerical study of microbially induced calcite precipitation in sandy soils: preliminary evidences and observations,” GeoChina 2016.

Akimana, R. M., Seo, Y., Li, L., Howard, L. J., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Hu, L.-B. (2016) “Exploring X-ray computed tomography characterization and reactive transport modelling of microbially induced calcite precipitation in sandy soils,” GeoCongress 2016.

Lens, J. E., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2015), “Are there gender differences in the value that civil and environmental engineering students place on service provided through service-learning projects?”, GeoCongress 2015, San Antonio, Texas. (Oral presentation)

Anderson, I., Rizzo, D., Huston, D. and Dewoolkar, M. M., “System-wide assessment of vulnerability of bridges to scour under extreme flood events”, 7th Int. Conf. on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, Torino, Italy, July 2015.

Edwards, M., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Huston, D. (2014), “Characterization of Fillite as a potential Martian regolith simulant”, Earth and Space 2014, 14th ASCE International Conf. on Engineering, Science, Construction and Operations in Challenging Environments (oral presentation).

Borg, J., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Bierman, P. (2014), “Assessment of streambank stability – a case study”, Geo-Congress 2014 Technical Papers: pp. 1007-1016, doi: 10.1061/9780784413272.098 (Oral presentation)

Anderson, I. A., Dewoolkar, M. M., Rizzo, D. M., and Huston, D. R. (2014), “Vermont bridge scour rating analysis: looking toward utilizing geomorphic stream data”, Geo-Congress 2014 Technical Papers: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability: pp. 2665-2674, (doi: 10.1061/9780784413272.257). (Poster presentation)

Anderson, I., Dewoolkar, M. M., Hargy, J., and de Alba, P. (2014), “Measurement of post-earthquake strength of liquefiable soils in centrifuge models”, 8th International Conference Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Perth, Australia, January 14-17.

Suozzo, M. J., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2012), “Long-term field monitoring and evaluation of maintenance practices of porous concrete pavements in Vermont”, TRB Annual Meeting, paper 12-3978, Washington DC, January 22-26. (Poster presentation)

Anderson, I., Hargy, J., de Alba, P., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2012), “Measurement of residual strength of liquefied soil in centrifuge models”, GeoCongress 2012 Conference, ASCE, pages 1740-1749, Oakland, CA, March 25-29. (Oral presentation)

Berry, B., Suozzo, M. J., Anderson, I. A., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2012), “Properties of pervious concrete incorporating recycled concrete aggregate”, TRB Annual Meeting, paper 12-3994, Washington DC, January 22-26. (Poster presentation)

Dewoolkar, M. M., Lens, J. E., and Hayden, N. J. (2012), “Service-learning design projects to enhance geotechnical engineering education”, GeoCongress 2012 Conference, ASCE, pages1283 – 1292, Oakland, CA, March 25-29. (Oral presentation).

Hayden, N.J., Rizzo, D. M., Dewoolkar M. M.., Oka, L. G., and Neumann, M. (2010), “Incorporating systems thinking and sustainability within civil and environmental engineering curricula at UVM,” ASEE St. Lawrence Section Meeting, RIT, March 26 and 27.

McCain, G. N. and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2009), “Porous concrete pavements: mechanical and hydraulic properties”, Transportation Research Board 2009 Annual Meeting. (Poster presentation)

McCain, G. N., Suozzo, M. J., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2009), “A laboratory study on the effects of winter surface applications on the hydraulic conductivity of porous concrete pavements”, Transportation Research Board 2009 Annual Meeting. (Poster presentation)

McCain, G. N. and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2008), “Strength and permeability characteristics of porous concrete pavements”, Transportation Research Board 2008 Annual Meeting. (Oral presentation)

George, L. A., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Wei, C. (2008) “A device for simultaneous measurement of acoustic and hydraulic properties of unsaturated soils”, Proceedings of the First European Conference on Unsaturated Soils, E-UNSAT, Toll G., Augarde, Gallipoli, and Wheeler (eds), July 2-4, 2008, Durham, UK, 97-102. (Oral presentation)

Dewoolkar, M. M., George, L. A., and Hayden, N. J. (2008), “Research-based and service-learning modules for undergraduate geotechnical engineering courses”, GeoCongress 2008, Geosustainability and Geohazard Mitigation, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 178, Reddy, Khire, and Alshawabkeh (eds), March 9-12, New Orleans, Louisiana, 813-820. (Oral presentation)

Porter, D., Dewoolkar, M. M., and Hayden, N. J. (2008), “The role of service-learning in heritage preservation and engineering education”, 6th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Construction, SAHC08, D’Ayala and Fodde (eds), July 2-4, Bath, United Kingdom, Vol. 2, 1369-1374. (Oral presentation)

Oka, L. G., and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2007), “Effect of existing dams on liquefaction potential analysis of foundation soils”, GeoDenver 2007 New Peaks in Geotechnics, Dynamic Response and Soil Properties, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 160, Dewoolkar and Koester (eds). (Oral presentation)

Wei, C. and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2006), “A deductive scheme for modeling hysteresis of capillarity”, Unsaturated Soils 2006, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 147, Miller, Zapata, Houston & Fredlund (eds), Carefree, Arizona, 2420-2431. (Oral presentation)

Wei, C. and Dewoolkar, M. M. (2006), “A continuum theory of immiscible two-phase flow through porous media with dynamics and hysteresis of capillarity”, Advances in Unsaturated Soil, Seepage, and Environmental Geotechnics, Proceedings of Sessions of GeoShanghai, ASCE †Geotechnical Special Publication No. 148, Lu, Hoyos and Reddi (eds), Shanghai, 246-254. (Oral presentation)

Dewoolkar, M. M., Hwang, J., and Ko, H. Y. (2006), “Lateral stability of offshore skirted gravity structures”, Int. Conf. on Physical Modeling in Geotechnics, Ng, Zhang and Wang (eds), Hong Kong, 631-637.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Santichaianant, K., Ko, H. Y., and Goddery, T. (2000), “Effects of sinkholes on earth dams”, Slope Stability 2000, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 101, Griffiths, Fenton and Martin (eds), Denver, Colorado, 129-141. (Oral presentation)

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (1998), “Effect of flexural stiffness on static and dynamic behavior of cantilever retaining walls, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics III, ASCE Special Publication No. 75, Vol. 2, Dakoulas, Yegian and Holtz (eds), Seattle, Washington, 1083-1094. (Oral presentation)

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., Pak, R. Y. S., and Chan, A. H. C. (1998), “Duxseal boundary in retaining wall configuration”, ISSMFE Centrifuge 98, Kimura, Kusakabe and Takemura (eds), Tokyo, Japan, 123-128.

Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (1998), “Suitability of total stress gages for static and dynamic soil pressure measurements”, ISSMFE Centrifuge 98, Kimura, Kusakabe and Takemura (eds), Tokyo, Japan, 129-134.

Stadler, A. T., Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (1995), “Seismic earth pressure studies on a cantilever retaining wall by centrifuge modeling, Proceedings of IS-TOKYO’95, First International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 2, Ishihara (ed), Tokyo, Japan, 14-16 November, 723 – 728.

Stadler, A. T., Dewoolkar, M. M., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (1995), “Centrifuge modeling of a cantilever retaining wall subjected to seismic loads, Proceedings of 10th Conference, Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 1, Sture (ed), Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A., May, 273-276. (Oral presentation)

Dewoolkar, M. M., Stadler, A. T., Batiste, S. N., Ko, H. Y., and Pak, R. Y. S. (1995), “Dynamic centrifuge experiment on a cantilever retaining wall”, 3rd Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Vol. 3, Prakash (ed), 273-276.

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