Ice SMAC is Site Management and Anchor Construction in an ice environment. In this course, we solidify natural anchors and review bolted anchors that were taught in rock SMAC. We discuss the differences in gear and material needed that is different from rock trips and teach SMACEES how to discern for themselves how to properly prepare for a day ice climbing and set up anchor for the climb they choose. We focus on decision making, leadership, and risk assessment/risk management. SMACEES learn how to ice climb, to teach others to ice climb, to properly layer, winter camping basics, evaluating ice quality, and so much more! There is no climbing or ice climbing experience needed! ICE SMAC is a continuation of rock SMAC, so many of the participants will have anchor building experience, but it is not necessary! No gear is needed, just a positive attitude! By the end of this course you should feel confident in your ability to build anchors and lead trips! 

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