Need a little inspiration?

So you’ve landed the internship… now what? Use the tools below to prepare yourself for the experience, or to keep yourself going mid-way through. Keep in mind that while all advice is intended to be helpful, it’s also intended to be situational! Do your best to take what serves you and your position, and leave the rest. If you ever have questions or want to understand some of these aspects more, our team is always here to help!

“What do I do now?” After landing an internship, it can be daunting to think about your first day. These tools will help set you up for success, both internally and externally. 

Setting yourself up for success

Google Digital Learning – an online booklet of many lessons/resources for things such as developing a resume, writing your cover letter, creating a goal-setting schedule, and more!

Tips for making the most of your summer Internship

Setting goals for your internship

Tips for building confidence at work

Consider CAS’s Learning Outcomes

“What am I getting out of this experience?” A great question. Taking the time to consider your organization’s impact on you, as well as your impact on your organization, is key to understanding the value of any internship experience.

Feeling overwhelmed? Taking on an internship can be exciting, stressful, overwhelming and wonderful all at once and it is important to take some time for self care! Follow Living Well on Facebook and Instagram for motivational messages and the latest self-care articles. 

Podcast for your Commute

Make New Mistakes

CEO Melissa Anelli and COO Taekia Blackwell of Mischief Management discuss the mistakes you have to make in order to grow and develop. This motivational, and at times hilarious, podcast is a must-listen for all women making their first forays into the world of work. Themes: women, personal development, POC, leadership. 

The Accidental Creative

The Accidental Creative podcast shares how to build practical, everyday practices that help you stay prolific, brilliant and healthy in life and work. Host Todd Henry (author of the books The Accidental Creative, Die Empty, and Louder Than Words) interviews artists, authors and business leaders, and offers tips for how to thrive in life and work.

Back to Work

Back to Work is an award winning talk show with Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin discussing productivity, communication, work, barriers, constraints, tools, and more. Hosted by Merlin Mann & Dan Benjamin.

Take Action Q&A

Interviews with experts across a myriad of fields about taking action and leveraging your passion with actionable steps that you can apply immediately to your life and business.

The Art of Charm

The Art of Charm is where self-motivated people come to learn about to how to master human dynamics, relationships, and becoming your best self. Johnny and AJ bring their 11 years of coaching experience from their famous Bootcamps, where they host clients in Los Angeles from all over the world and they share their stories, best practices and themselves on this weekly podcast. Not only does The Art of Charm help everyday people, including active members of the military, learn how to become higher performers, better spouses, partners, and coworkers, they dig deep into human behavior, the science behind it, and demystify what we do and why we do it.


99% Invisible

99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.

Good Job, Brain!

Part pub quiz show, part offbeat news, and all awesome. Do you relish beating your friends at Trivial Pursuit? Do you blab out the answers at the gym when Jeopardy! is on? Then this podcast, fellow trivia nut, is the ultimate mental nutrition for your very big brain. So eat up!

We Have Concerns

Jeff Cannata and Anthony Carboni talk about the personal philosophical concerns they find lurking inside everyday things.

After your internship ends, it may feel like you have been cast out at sea. Here are some tips for what to do next…

Email — our team would be happy to assist.

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