Welcome, community partners!
If you’re looking to host an intern through the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) in the future, please see below for the various programs we offer and how to get involved. If you are already working with an intern enrolled through CAS, click here to jump to the “Working with CAS Interns” section.
Not sure if your intern is (or should be) working through our programs or credit options? Other questions? Get in touch with cas.internships@uvm.edu — we’re happy to help.
Recruiting Interns from UVM
Are you looking for an intern or small number of interns to work with you ~8-10 hours per week? Check out Handshake–UVM’s one-stop-shop for recruiting interns to work with your organization and then read about how best to work with our students:
Working with a College of Arts & Sciences Internship Program
Do you have a shorter-term project, ongoing task, or specific need that an intern could help you with for ~4-6 hours per week? Is your work related to the following areas? Our Communities of Practice (COP) program may want to partner with you!
- Urban Planning, Local Governance or Transportation Systems
- Environmental Sustainability, Restoration or Stewardship
- Nonprofits or Social Change
- Humanities, Research, Museums or Libraries (upcoming program)
Creating a Longer-Term Partnership with the College of Arts & Sciences
We are excited and eager to work with larger organizations looking to craft a multi-tiered internship program that will both serve our students, their interests, and your needs as a company! If you’d like to explore working with CAS on an ongoing basis, please reach out to our program director, Sophia Trigg, to discuss further.
Working with interns enrolled through the College of Arts & Sciences
To get started, we recommend you read UVM’s guide to hosting an intern which provides information about pay, best practices, and crafting an inclusive space.
Details for students earning credit through a College of Arts & Sciences internship course:
Make sure to talk with your intern about what course they are earning credit through, and ask for a copy of the syllabus. If the course is offered through the College of Arts & Sciences, the following guidelines generally apply:
Hours & Credit
If your student is earning credit through CAS 2991 or another course taught within the College of Arts & Sciences, they may earn a minimum of 1 credit for every 40 hours they work with you. These can be in-person, remote, or hybrid hours. Generally, commute time to/from your location is not included in hours, but transportation time incurred through any assigned tasks (i.e. driving to a natural area to take wildlife photographs, driving to special events or to collect content for social media, etc.) DOES count toward hours worked.
If your student would like to earn credit but has not yet enrolled, please direct them to this page so that they may review their options. Each student will have different needs regarding credit, so there is no one-size-fits-all course. We encourage students be in touch with us at cas.internships@uvm.edu if they have any questions.
If you are able, we highly recommend compensating your interns for the work they do for you. This can take the form of hourly pay, a 1- or 2-time stipend, or money for lunch or transportation costs, etc.
Compensation will get you a more diverse and motivated workforce, will increase accountability and engagement from your intern, and will ensure there is no issue with US Dept. of Labor standards. Learn more about the benefits of paying your intern.
Please note that students ARE able to earn credit regardless of whether they are being paid.
Employer Responsibilities and the UVM Memorandum of Understanding
Internship employers have several requirements to complete before their interns can earn credit at UVM. Employers must…
Sign the UVM Internship Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Employers must review and sign the UVM Internship MOU prior to the beginning of the internship.
The MOU outlines the expectations and responsibilities of the UVM faculty member, the University, and the internship site. MOUs are valid for a period of three years and cover all UVM students who engage in a credit-bearing internship with that organization during that period. These agreements are not specific to a particular student or semester.
Please click here to fill out our intake form and start the MOU signing process!
The Career Center maintains copies of all executed MOUs. The MOU identifies the minimum requirements of the institution, additional criteria may be added as needed and changes may be possible with approval.
Identify a clear internship supervisor for your intern
It is the responsibility of you, the internship employer, to identify a supervisor for your intern. This person should be excited and ready to be a mentor throughout the duration of the internship. They should also be prepared to evaluate the student at the end of the semester and provide updates as needed to the UVM faculty member awarding credit for the experience.
Provide Feedback
At the end of the internship, the on-site supervisor should provide feedback on the intern’s performance to the intern themselves and to the course instructor. Please keep an eye out for communication from your student’s course instructor regarding providing feedback about your intern.
Still have questions?
Email cas.internships@uvm.edu — our team would be happy to assist.