Intern at one of hundreds of organizations while earning academic credit!

TWC capitalizes on D.C. as a diverse and up-and-coming city center with ties to many industries–i.e. there are more than political internships available! Through TWC, you will become equipped with the skills and confidence to thrive in the workplace no matter what industry you end up in.

Application deadlines for Spring 2025:  TBD (October)

Program Components

The Washington Center is comprised of three components that make up your typical week in the program:

The Internship

TWC partners with hundreds of internships in D.C. (and around the country) and works with you one-on-one to select the internship that’s right for you. Once you begin your internship, you’ll be working on projects related to your interests with a supervisor who cares about your growth and success. 

You’ll intern for 4 full days per week and get 9 UVM credits (more info in the “Credit Information” section below).

The Academic Course

While at TWC, you’ll enroll in one of their academic courses. Each is taught by an industry expert or faculty member from a local college. These courses are designed to help you step back from your daily work and reflect through an academic lens on broader aspects of your experience. They are grounded in traditional disciplines, yet are taught within the context of the wide array of resources available in Washington, D.C. 

You’ll meet with your class 1 night per week and get 3 UVM credits (more info in the “Credit Information” section below).

Career Readiness Modules

TWC’s career readiness programming is a mix of professional development workshops, one-on-one career advising, events, and networking opportunities designed to complement what you’ll learn at your internship. It helps you step back from your work week and reflect on what you want, what you’re good at and what you want to learn more of as you pursue a career. At the end of the semester, you’ll leave with a better understanding of yourself, what you love and what your strengths are, a powerful network that can help you achieve your career goals and an online portfolio to showcase your work for future employers. 

You’ll get 3 UVM credits for this work (more info in the “Credit Information” section below).

How does it work for UVM students?

The Washington Center is a UVM partner, meaning that UVM students will earn UVM credit for the program, and the advertised program fee will be covered by UVM tuition. It also means that you will remain enrolled at UVM while you complete your semester in D.C.!

Credit Information

Fall or Spring: UVM students participating in The Washington Center program during Fall or Spring semester will enroll in 15 credits at UVM. The 15 credits will be broken up into three course numbers: 

  • 9-credit internship course under CAS 2991 (aligns with your internship hours and reflection work). CAS allows a maximum of 12 internship credits to count toward your 120 credit total, so most students will also have time to do another internship during their time at UVM.
  • 3-credit seminar course under CAS 1900 (TWC’s Career Readiness Modules). This course will count as elective credit.
  • 3-credit seminar course under CAS 2900 (TWC Academic Seminar). You may request permission from your department Chairperson to count the TWC academic evening seminar toward your major or minor if it aligns with the academic subject matter.

Summer: UVM students participating in The Washington Center program during the Summer semester will have two choices:

  1. Enroll in 12 credits through UVM (6 internship credits, 3 credits for Career Readiness, 3 credits for Academic Seminar). Please note you will be charged UVM summer tuition for 12 credits. Financial Aid is available during the summer term — please contact SFS for more information. Total cost (including UVM tuition/fees + TWC Housing) will be roughly $10,800 for in-state students or roughly $19,500 for out-of-state students.


  1. Enroll in UVM’s $100 Summer Internship Course (SINT 2991) and pay the TWC Program Fee and Housing Fee directly to TWC. Total cost (including UVM tuition/fees + TWC Program Fee + TWC Housing) will be roughly $12,500.

At the end of your semester in D.C., grades will be sent back to UVM and will be entered into the grading system. These courses are all graded and will count toward your GPA. 

Financial Information

TWC Application Fee: Use code TWC60 to apply for free!

UVM Tuition: Since you will be enrolled in UVM credit, you will pay your normal tuition amount to UVM. All of your grants and scholarships will apply as normal — as if you were staying at UVM and taking regular classes. 

  • Note: If you decide to do TWC during the Summer semester, you will be charged UVM tuition at the summer tuition rates. See Credit Information Section above for more detail. Summer financial aid is available, but keep in mind that you may not know details about your financial aid award before you need to commit to the Washington Center.

TWC Program Fee: You will NOT pay the TWC program fee if you participate during the Fall or Spring semesters. UVM covers this on your behalf.

TWC Housing Fee: If you are living in TWC’s Residential and Academic Facility (RAF) in Washington, D.C., you will pay for housing directly to The Washington Center. Current rates can be found on their website.

Food & Living Expenses: There is no meal plan associated with this program, so you will need to grocery shop and cook in your apartment with your fellow students. Check out The Washington Center’s guide to budgeting in D.C. for an estimation of costs and general advice.

Please contact Kelly Smith with any logistical questions.

About the Application

The application process is handled directly by The Washington Center. You’ll see on the application that you need to select your “campus liaison”–please choose Kelly Smith.

The application contains 5 components: 

  • One-page resume (PDF)
  • Statement of Professional Interest (~100 words)
  • Issues Essay or Writing Sample
  • Official Transcript: This can be requested in MyUVM in the Registrar Tab. Please send the transcript to your own email address and then attach the PDF you receive directly to your TWC application. 

For more details, please consult The Washington Center’s Application Resources page or sign up here to connect with TWC admissions directly.

Eligibility Requirements

UVM students must meet the following requirements in order to participate in The Washington Center:

  • At least Sophomore standing during the semester you intend to participate. (In some rare cases we will consider a student with first year standing who is in their 2nd year at UVM).
  • GPA above 2.0

International students who hold F-1 or J-1 status must seek permission from the Office of International Education in order to participate.

Admitted Student Pre-Departure Checklist

Before you start your semester with The Washington Center, make sure to complete the following steps.

Step 1: Academics
  1. Enroll in…
    • The Internship Course (CAS 2991) (9 credits)*
    • Enroll in Academic Course (CAS 1900) (3 credits)*
    • Enroll in Academic Course (CAS 2900) (3 credits)* 
  2. Get in contact with SAS (Student Accessibility Services) to make sure any accommodation documentation is forwarded to TWC as soon as possible. 
  3. If you are an international student, please get in touch with OIE (Office of International Education) to obtain the proper visa permissions.

* Kelly Smith will send you an override for these courses. 

Step 2: Internship
  1. Once you receive your internship placement through TWC, fill out the Internship Information Form.

If you have any trouble or questions about the form, please contact Kelly Smith

Step 3: Housing

If you are signed up for a UVM dorm room during the semester you will be away, email stating your intention to withdraw from student housing due to participation in a CAS-sponsored program, The Washington Center. Please remember to CC Kelly Smith ( so that she can provide official documentation to ResLife! After this, you will receive confirmation via email from ResLife that your contract will be cancelled. 

You will receive a bill directly from The Washington Center with instructions on how to pay the housing fee. Any questions should be sent to

Step 4: Health
  1. Make any arrangements for counseling services and/or prescription medications while in D.C. If you currently work with UVM CAPS, you will need to locate a counselor in D.C. to work with while you are there. UVM’s CAPS staff are only licensed to practice in the state of Vermont and can’t work virtually with clients located in other states. Please get in touch with your CAPS team to see if they have any recommendations in the D.C. area and, if you feel comfortable, reach out to TWC to see if they have any recommendations or resources for you.
  2. Make sure that your UVM health forms and immunizations are up-to-date and your emergency contacts are correct in MyUVM. More detail about UVM’s Vaccine & booster policy
  3. If you are enrolling in UVM SHIP (Student Health Insurance Plan), you MUST contact the student health insurance office to coordinate a PCP while in D.C.
Step 5: Connect!

UVM Alumni based in Washington D.C. are interested in connecting with you! Have you heard of UVM Connect? This system bridges the network between students, alumni, and faculty of UVM. Join UVM Connect before you depart for D.C., and build your network by reaching out and saying hello, or joining in on events that are happening in the area as you see them pop up on the forum!

Additional Information

Keep in mind that moving to a new city and experiencing a transition to a new environment, new culture, new food, etc. can exacerbate or uncover physical and mental illness. It is important to work with your health professionals to make a plan for dealing with your health.

Before you depart, make sure you visit your doctors, dentists, and any other health care practitioners that you regularly see. During these visits, you should discuss any medical issues you have that may affect your experiences abroad.

Make sure your health records are up to date and that you have copies of them that you can access if needed. This is particularly important if you have a medical condition or if you expect to need medical care in D.C.

If you currently work with UVM CAPS, you will need to locate a counselor in D.C. to work with while you are there. UVM’s CAPS staff are only licensed to practice in the state of Vermont and can’t work virtually with clients located in other states. Please get in touch with your CAPS team to see if they have any recommendations in the D.C. area and, if you feel comfortable, reach out to TWC to see if they have any recommendations or resources for you. 


If you are taking any prescription drugs with you, please visit your health care provider prior to departing to discuss transporting your medications.

  • Ask your health care provider and insurance company for guidance on how to secure a sufficient supply of medication to last through your stay. Or, find out if you can transfer your prescription refills to a location in D.C. for pickup.
  • For safety reasons, it is best to carry your medication in their original, clearly labeled containers along with a copy of the original prescription while travelling.
  • Always keep your medications in your carry-on bag.
  • If you have a medical condition, consider wearing a medical alert bracelet or other notification.
  • Bring photocopies of your prescriptions- even a glasses/contact lens prescription. 

If you are planning on enrolling in UVM SHIP (student health insurance) during the semester you are away, you MUST contact the student health insurance office to coordinate a new PCP (Primary Care Provider). Visit the UVM SHIP website for more information. Contact with any questions. 


It is crucial to notify all of your banks and credit card companies prior to traveling for an extended period to avoid your card being frozen or disabled due to suspected fraud. It is also advised that you ask for the best practice if your card is lost/stolen, and their policy for getting a new card sent to you at a temporary address.


f you are a US citizen, voting in US elections is your right and civic duty. You can still vote in all local, state, and national elections using an absentee ballot while in D.C. Make sure to follow the process for getting an absentee ballot mailed to you, and pay attention to the date you are required to return it via mail. 

The voter registration and absentee ballot request processes are different depending on your state of residency. Typically UVM students who are US Citizens are allowed to register to vote in either Vermont or their home state. Please see here for additional information and resources for voting via absentee ballot.

UVM Students at The Washington Center

“I would recommend seriously being completely open to all DC has to offer. The people and the place are so uniquely different than the Vermont campus experience. My favorite moments of the semester were when I really leaned into that.”


Grace DiGiacoma

UVM 2023

“Now that I have this work experience under my belt and the connections to show for it, my confidence levels have risen, and I feel able to commit to that path and able to see it through.”



UVM 2022

“This experience helped me immensely to understand different environmental policy career paths that I am interested in pursuing for the future. Also, the opportunity to reach out to professionals gave me a chance to network and gain connections with individuals in my fields of interest. With this program, I also was able to make new friends with students across the country and globe. It was extremely fun getting to explore the city with these new friends and get to learn about where they come from and their goals for the future. It is really a great experience to connect deeply with individuals about topics that you are passionate about, and with this group of friends, I was able to fully do so, which benefitted my personal growth and worldview immensely.”


Ali Palmer

UVM 2025

“Throughout the semester, I feel like I learned I’m more ready for the real world than I thought I was.”



UVM 2022

“I am more than thankful that I was able to really commit to a job field thanks to this experience, because that has always been something I have struggled with and something that brought me great anxiety growing up. I hope other people who come to this program who come from a similar background as me will be able to take away those same benefits.”



UVM 2022

A UVM College of Arts & Sciences collaboration with:

Email — our team would be happy to assist.

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