Curious about what an internship can do for you and your career goals? Whether it’s a global position on Wall Street or working alongside a startup, internships help boost your resume and help you define your career goals. Check out some of the experiences of your fellow Grossman students!

“I’ve spent the last month performing research and analysis in support of operations, developing/updating weekly reports and supporting the dealer and customer service team. Even though I am worked remotely from my Burlington apartment, I was able to set up one-on-one meetings that allowed me to build strong workplace relationships from the get-go and meet people I wouldn’t have had the privilege to even pre-COVID. I’m grateful for the chance to work for a socially responsible company in the outdoor industry and the opportunities it has provided me.”
Oliver Tidswell, MAMMUT Sports Group AG
“Throughout my internship, I’ve learned how to successfully promote events while working towards increasing the communities’ involvement and satisfaction. I was able to apply the skills that I learned in my business classes and bring them to outside the classroom. I also learned how much UVM cares about the community and what they do to ensure that the spectator experience at sports games is enjoyable and fun. While interning, I was able to meet people in the athletic department and learn about what they do. Overall, I valued my time interning because I was able to get more involved with UVM and meet other students that had similar career interests and goals.”
Fiona Love, UVM Athletics

“As an intern I had the opportunity to integrate skills and concepts I have learned in the classroom to support the company’s marketing efforts. Most of my role was centered around researching marketing tactics used by small businesses, which enhanced my research, time management, and communication skills. I’m thankful for this opportunity as it allowed me to integrate my passion for beekeeping with my skills in marketing.”
Meredith Gove, Vermont Beekeeping Supply
“My internship was in the finance department where I worked as the accounting assistant. Everyone there is extremely talented, friendly and fun to work with! During my time at VSI I was able to gain a lot of hands on experience and master several universal accounting skills. I am so lucky that they offered me a full-time position following graduation this spring! This internship was one of the best experiences of my professional career.”
Alyssa Edwards, Vermont Systems

“My internship experience gave me insight to see what it would be like to work as a graphic designer for a company. My work became the main source of spreading information and knowledge about The University of Vermont Hillel Fresh and the food that students participating in this program were being served. This experience allowed me to see how my interest in graphic design translated to using my skills professionally by working for a real company.”
Andrew Hoffstein, UVM Hillel Fresh
“As an intern, I developed skills around testing, analyzing, and improving certain key controls in business processes all over the company. As the semester progressed, I could tell that I was learning a lot and it was interesting to incorporate concepts I learned in the classroom to my work and vice versa. This internship was very valuable to me because I was able to learn more about what audit is and the typical tasks that internal auditors do. In addition, I developed my communication and meeting skills, which will help me for when I get my first full time position after school!”
Shelby Loura, National Life

“My experiences in this role were incredible because I was able to put what I’ve learned in my classes in the business school and relate them to a department that I am passionate about. Working for UVM and getting the opportunity to attend all sorts of sporting events was fun and it was exhilarating getting to support UVM’s teams. I would highly recommend an internship with the UVM Athletics Department for the people you get to work with and meet and the fun you get to experience on the job!”