An internship is a great way to gain professional experience, learn about a particular industry, make contacts, and test out the career field, with or without an academic component. But if you are hoping to receive academic credit in order to balance your course load or to satisfy an employer requirement, the Grossman School of Business offers an internship course to allow students to earn elective credit for their internship.
In order to receive credit, you must enroll in a course connected with your internship; in Grossman, this course is BSAD 194. This fully-online course will help guide and support you through getting the most out of your experience!
Here are critical points to understand when seeking internship for credit:
- Credit can only be given for internship work completed during the semester.
- You must enroll in an internship course before you can count internship work hours toward your credits.
- Internships can only be utilized for elective credit. They cannot count toward major requirements (i.e. core, field, concentration, or theme courses).
- You will need to have an internship supervisor at your work site who can verify your employment and provide midterm and final evaluations during the semester.
- Grossman students can receive up to 6 credit hours of internship credit, with a 3-credit limit per semester.

It is crucial to consult with your academic advisor about internship credit to understand how credit would fit in with your graduation plan. The number of credits earned depends on how much academic work you complete and how much time you spend working at your internship (45 hours of work during the semester = 1 academic credit) credits total towards their 120 credit-hour graduation requirement.
Note that getting paid and receiving credit have no bearing on one another. Some students earn both credit and payment, some students earn neither, and some students receive only credit or payment.
How do I apply for the internship for credit course?
- Fill out an experience request on Handshake, using the BUS 2991 – Grossman Internship Course template by clicking here.
- A few weeks before the start of the semester, your application will be reviewed by a member of the CSS team and approved. If there are concerns or questions, you will be contacted at this time.
- An approved application then goes to your internship supervisor for their review. They must approve their portion of the application to proceed.
- Congrats, you’re approved! You will receive receive an override into BUS 2991. Even if you’ve taken an internship for credit course before, you will still enroll into the same course — BUS 2991.
- Register for your course and change your credits to the number approved in your application by heading to MyUVM > Registrar > Change Variable Credits.
- This entire process can take a few weeks. Questions? Email