Licensing Policy



Trademark Basics

What is a trademark?

A trademark is any word, slogan, symbol, design, or combination of these elements, which identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one party from others.

  • A design that could create a likelihood of customer confusion due to similarity to the university’s trademarks may be an infringement on the university’s trademark rights.
  • The university has delegated the responsibility for maintaining, managing, licensing and protecting the university trademarks to the Licensing Office.

University of Vermont Trademarks

Examples of University Trademarks include any graphic representation relating to the following:

  • The University of Vermont®
  • Catamounts®
  • UVM®

Style Guide

Becoming Licensed:There are two types of licenses available with the University of Vermont:

  • Standard License—allows you to produce products for resale, including, but not limited to, wholesale and retail.
  • Internal Usage License—allows you to produce products intended to be sold directly to the university that are not for resale. This does not include sales to the University Bookstore.

Click here to apply for a license with the University of Vermont:

Policy Statement

Trademarks identifying the University, its products, services, programs, or activities are the property of the University, protected under state and federal trademark law (“University Trademarks”). Use of a University trademark without the consent and approval of an authorized University official constitutes an unlawful infringement of the mark.

Institutional Policies


University Name, Symbols, Letterhead, and other Proprietary Indicia of Affiliation

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