Project Development

Project Timeline

October 15, 2022: First idea for a research project on Tempelhof Field is born over text with my friend Hanna Hartman.

December, 2022: Visit to Humboldt Forum, introduction to the “Open Spaces” Prompt.

Summer, 2023: Project ideation and proposal.

September, 2023: Project approval.

Fall 2023: Literature review, IRB approval, research development, interviews begin, exhibition planning.

December, 2023: Interviews and translations, exhibition planning, writing.

January, 2024: Writing, exhibition preparation, beginning of data organization, website creation.

February – March, 2024: Coding, writing of findings, analysis, realization of exhibition components.

April, 2024: Finalization of website and content, filming, exhibition construction.

April 26, 2024: Defense and exhibition.