Marta Ceroni

Research Faculty, UVM

Marta Ceroni holds a PhD in Forest Ecology from the University of Parma, Italy and has been a Research Assistant Professor at UVM for eight years starting in 2002. Her work combines teaching on the ecological economics of plant resource uses and applied research on market and policy mechanisms for the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services in natural and managed systems. Her research and teaching mission is to foster a science of ecosystem services that brings ecology in the current assessment and valuation of nature’s services. She is currently involved in a transboundary conservation project in Ukraine and Romania and in the development of a sustainable and fair supply chain for the precious frankincense resin in Somaliland. Selected Publications: 

Ceroni M., Liu S. and Costanza R. 2007. The ecological and economic role of biodiversity in agroecosystems. In Jarvis, D.I., C. Padoch, and D. Cooper (eds). Managing Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. Columbia University Press, NY USA

Bagstad, K. and Ceroni M. 2007. Opportunities and challenges in applying the Genuine Progress Indicator at local scales. International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment, 3 (2): 132-153

Villa F., Ceroni M., and Krivov S. 2007. Intelligent databases assist transparent and sound economic valuation of ecosystem services. Environmental Management 39 (6): 887-899

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