- First DeltasUNite
- LectureProf Asim Zia is delivering an exclusive talk at The Islamabad Club, Pakistan on Climate Change Challenges and Opportunities for Action in Pakistan.
- Anticipatory Ecosystem Management of Regime Shifts in Social Ecological Systems: Navigating Trade-Offs in Public Investments Across Farms, Forests and CitiesThursday, 23 June 2022 08:01 – 08:11 PRCC – Room 104 Presentation at American Geophysical Union 2022 Frontiers in Hydrology Anthropogenic climate change could induce regime shifts from oligotrophic to eutrophic states in shallow bays of the Lake Champlain due to more frequent and more intense flooding events in Lake Champlain Basin (LCB) as well …
- Accounting for Lags, Inertia and Cross Scale Dynamics in Sustaining Freshwater LakesWednesday, 22 June 2022 08:15 – 08:30 PRCC – Room 209 Presentation at American Geophysical Union Frontiers in Hydrology While a growing body of modeling and experimental research in sustainability and environmental sciences has identified the importance of cross-scale dynamics, many issues about modeling cascades of lags, inertia and thresholds (phase transitions) in coupled natural …
- Securing Clean Water in Transboundary Indus, Jordan, Mekong and Amazon Basins Through Science and Environmental Diplomacy3 February 2022, 13:00:00 – 14:30:00 (Central Europe/Zurich/GMT+1) Online: Register for Session Springing from “Road to Geneva” events organized around this theme, this “hybrid” roundtable will highlight findings from ongoing community-based science and environmental diplomacy approaches to identify cooperative, yet feasible scientific, technological, legal and policy solutions for securing clean water within and across four …
- Vermont Soil Health and Payment for Ecosystem Services Working GroupMeeting #14: October 5, 2021 12-2 PM By Zoom (registration link below) https://agriculture.vermont.gov/pes AGENDA 11:45 12:00 PM 12:05 12:45 1:10 1:50 1:55 2:00 Open Zoom meeting and hellos Welcome from Co-Chairs, introductions, review agenda Scope of work for technical consultant support; oversight by and interaction with Working Group Detailed review of workplan, interim milestones, key …
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- Road to Geneva Event: Three-part symposia on Securing Clean Water in Transboundary Indus, Jordan, Mekong and Amazon Basins through Science and Environmental DiplomacyThis 3-part symposium will take place on 8:30am-10:30am ET on June 8th, June 16th, and June 24th 2021. Participants in this Road to Geneva symposium will deliberate upon ongoing community-based science and environmental diplomacy approaches to identify cooperative, yet feasible scientific, technological, legal, and policy solutions for securing clean water within and across four transboundary …
- Pre-registration Notice: Symposium with Three 2-Hour Meetings in June 2021 on Securing Clean Water in Transboundary Indus, Jordan, Mekong and Amazon Basins through Science and Environmental DiplomacyDeadline: 25 May 2021 Participants in this Road to Geneva symposium will deliberate upon ongoing community-based science and environmental diplomacy approaches to identify cooperative, yet feasible scientific, technological, legal, and policy solutions for securing clean water within and across four transboundary river basins: the Indus (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China), the Jordan (Israel, Palestine, Jordan), the …
- Highlands to Oceans (H2O): Anticipatory Governance of Hydroclimatic Regime Shifts in the Transboundary Indus, Mekong, Jordan and Amazon River Basins4 February 2022, 13:00:00 – 14:30:00 (Europe/Zurich) This hybrid roundtable will bring together scientists collaborating on a global initiative entitled “Highlands to Oceans (H2O)”. Under this initiative, an interdisciplinary team of scientists is working on developing a novel Highlands to Oceans (H2O) Integrated Regime Shift Assessment Model (H2O-IRSAM) for anticipating vulnerabilities from climate change induced …
- IEDS Director Asim Zia has been invited to the UVM Scholar Lecture Series!The Graduate College is pleased to present the Teams Live Event Computational Policy Analytics: Policy Modeling in the Age of Big Data & AI, a lecture by University Scholar Asim Zia, Ph.D. on Thursday, October 22, 2020 at 4:30 pm. With advances in computer sciences as well as widespread availability of big data from government …
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- IEDS Director Asim Zia recipient of the Vogelmann Award at UVM will be giving a seminar on “Anticipatory Governance of Regime Shifts in Social Ecological Systems: Building Resilience to Climate Change from People to the Planet”“Anticipatory Governance of Regime Shifts in Social Ecological Systems: Building Resilience to Climate Change from People to the Planet” Watch the seminar via Microsoft Teams. Find it at: https://www.alumni.uvm.edu/s/1690/alumni/start.aspx?gid=2&pgid=61
- LEAD Pakistan: IEDS Director Asim Zia speaks on Water Conflict, Diplomacy and the Transboundary Water In-Cooperation NetworkLEAD Pakistan hosted an interactive session titled ‘Transboundary Water In-Cooperation Network: Environmental Diplomacy for Resolving Persistent Transboundary Water Conflicts’. IEDS Director, Dr. Asim Zia, highlighted the numerous Track-2 (scientist to scientist) and Track-3 (citizen to citizen) environmental diplomacy interventions which have been implemented in the Indus, Jordan, Kabul, Kali and Missisquoi river basins, leading to …
- Workshop: Advancing Public Service through Big Data and Artificial IntelligenceMarch 7, 2019 Location: Room 222/226, Graduate School USA, 600 Maryland Ave. SW Washington, DC 20024. [2-minute walk from L’Enfant Plaza Metro Station ] Sponsored by the ASPA Section for Complexity and Network Studies, Social Ecological Gaming and Simulation (SEGS) Lab, and the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security at the University of Vermont This …
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- UNFCCC COP24 Side Event on Food, Energy and Water Security Early Warning Systems
- COP 24 Side Event: Implementing Food-Energy-Water Security Early Warning Systems for Adaptation to Climate ChangeDecember 8, 2018 Location: COP 24 Katowice, Poland This side event at COP 24 will highlight recent developments and outstanding challenges in the design & implementation of food, energy and water security early warning systems in developing countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America that are vulnerable to climate change induced variability & extremes. 13:15-13:20 …
- WATER DIPLOMACY SOWS SEEDS OF PEACE BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND AFGHANISTAN IN THE KABUL RIVER BASINWater is the essence of life. As we commemorated World Water Day on March 22, 10 experts (five from Afghanistan and five from Pakistan) gathered online and in person at the Peace Centre at Dawson College in Montreal for a week-long in-depth dialogue to find effective solutions and opportunities for sustainably resolving conflicts generated by …
- IEDS Director Asim Zia speaks at UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn, GermanyDuring the ongoing UNFCCC COP23 in Bonn, Germany, Asim Zia, Director of Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security (IEDS), spoke at a high-level meeting organized by South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme (SACEP) and Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (NRG4SD) on “Implementing NDCs: Coordination Across Regional, National and Subnational Levels”. Panelists included Ministers/Secretaries from …
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- IEDS Director Asim Zia presents in Pakistan and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) SeminarA seminar was held on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Pakistan on Friday September 29, 2017 at the University of Vermont with IEDS Director Asim Zia. Pakistan is a large and strategically important country in south Asia. It is in the news frequently due to its tumultuous politics, volatile mix of ethnicities and religions, …
- Pakistan and the Sustainable Development Goals: IEDS hosted SeminarSeptember 21, 2017 Location: John Dewey Lounge, University of Vermont Pakistan is a large and strategically important country in south Asia. It is in the news frequently due to its tumultuous politics, volatile mix of ethnicities and religions, possession of nuclear weapons, proximity to Afghanistan, and strained relations with India. It also faces significant challenges …
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- SWARMFEST 2016: 20th Annual Meeting on Agent Based Modeling & Simulation at University of VermontSwarmfest 2016, hosted in Burlington, Vermont on July 31- August 2, was a low-key environment for researchers to explore new ideas and approaches, and benefit from a multi-disciplinary approach to complex problems. This year was an outstanding success with research presented from a wide range of disciplines utilizing agent-based modeling to further understand ecological systems, …