Azur Moulaert

Fellow at the Gund Institute of Ecological Economics, Research Associate with Community Development and Applied Economics Dept, UVM

Azur Moulaert received a BS in Forest Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica (1992) and a Master’s degree in Crop Science and Forestry from North Carolina State University (1996). Azur’s professional experience includes work as an environmental lobbyst, project manager, natural resource analyst, grassroots director and outreach coordinator. Currently he works as a Research Associate with the Community Development and Applied Economics Department in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at the University of Vermont. He is also a fellow at the Gund Institute for Ecological Economics. He is the Principal investigator for the “Threats, Examples and Opportunities for the Sustainable Development of the Terraba – Sierpe Mangrove of Costa Rica”, a long term project on the South Pacific coast of Costa Rica in conjunction with local and international partners. Azur was the UVM Coordinator for a Food Systems Masters Program, launched in 2011.

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