Michele Zebich-Knos

Professor of Political Science at Kennesaw State University

Dr. Michele Zebich-Knos is Professor Emerita of Political Science and Founding Director (2009–2012) of the Master of Science in International Policy Management Program at Kennesaw State University, a unit of the University System of Georgia. Zebich-Knos’ research focuses on global environmental policy. Her most recent collaborative effort resulted in the book The Social Ecology of Border Landscapes (Anthem Press, 2017) co-edited with Dr. Anna Grichting, IEDS fellow and professor at Qatar University. Previous collaborations include those with Professors Lassi Heininen of the University of Lapland, Finland and Rebecca Pincus of the US Coast Guard Academy on polar issues and security in the Arctic. Zebich-Knos is author of numerous publications including “Managing Polar Policy through Public and Private Regulatory Standards: The Case of Tourism in the Antarctic,” in Diplomacy on Ice (Yale University Press, 2015); “Ecotourism, Park Systems and Environmental Justice in Latin America,” in Environmental Justice in Latin America (MIT Press, 2008); “Conflict Avoidance and Environmental Protection: The Antarctic Paradigm,” in Peace Parks: Conservation and Conflict Resolution (MIT Press, 2007); and Foreign Policy toward Cuba: Isolation or Engagement? co-edited with Heather Nicol of Trent University, Canada (Lexington Books, 2005).

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