Transcending Boundaries: The Central Albertine Rift

The most recent episode of the Transcending Boundaries series; Perspectives From The Central Albertine Rift Transfrontier Protected Area Network, focuses on Eastern Africa, and the tri-border region between Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Northern Rwanda, and Western Uganda.

We explore transboundary conservation efforts through geographic, socio-political and ecological lenses. We hear from a diverse range of stakeholders, each of whom play a critical role conserving this biodiversity hotspot despite conflict and instability; while dealing with challenges from poaching, lack of sustainable livelihoods and the activities of armed groups.

Based on the research and network of colleagues and stakeholders of Elaine Hsiao, a Fulbright Fellow, who was researching transboundary collaboration in Uganda at the time. This documentary shares an often untold story in a region filled with countless challenges. We learn how informal cross-border collaboration between individuals and Park Rangers lead to the creation of an organization (Central Albertine Rift Transfrontier Protected Area Network) and then an institution (The Core Secretariat) and finally evolved into the ongoing efforts to raise this collaboration to the highest level through the signing of a formal treaty by the Heads of State of all 3 countries. We now turn our gaze to the future and encounter the questions of “what will happen to the parks and conservation in the region now that oil has been discovered?”

International Peace Park Expeditions, the Institute for Environmental Diplomacy and Security, and The Collaborative premiered this episode at The Environmental Film Festival in the National Capital in March of 2013.

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