“The Practice of Science Diplomacy” at the AAAS, Co-organized by Dr. Melody Brown Burkins

Dr. Melody Brown Burkins, a member of the IEDS Internal Governance Committee, is co-organizer of an upcoming panel for the AAAS 2011 Meeting in Washington, DC entitled “The Practice of Science Diplomacy”. Burkins is Vice Chair of the National Academies’ U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Geological Sciences (USNC/IUGS), a group tasked with fostering national and international connections in earth systems knowledge and policy. The panel will be moderated by U.S. Science Envoy and former National Academy of Sciences President, Dr. Bruce Alberts. For more information, please contact Dr. Burkins (mburkins@uvm.edu) or visit the AAAS 2011 Meeting website.

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