Saleem Ali noted as “Eco-Diplomat” by UK’s Guardian

On January 16, 2011, IEDS Director, Dr. Saleem Ali was listed by the UK’s Guardian newspaper in their annual “Green Giants — Eco-power” list alongside luminaries such as Prince Charles, David Suzuki and Brad Pitt! The list of 20 individuals was reported by journalist Lucy Siegle with the following introduction: “We all agree that the planet is in a perilous position. But what is the best way to save it? We name the 20 activists, filmmakers, writers, politicians and celebrities who will be setting the global environmental agenda in the coming year.” Dr. Ali’s profile stated: ” The pervading fear is that global disputes over water and land-based resources are likely to escalate into conflict. But professor of environmental studies at the University of Vermont and experienced mediator Saleem H Ali thinks natural resources have the capacity to unite, not just divide. A fan of peace parks (border regions used to resolve disputes by giving conflicting countries incentives to maintain them), he considers consumption of material goods to be a good thing.”

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