Wadsworth Receives UVM Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award

professor standing in a dairy barn in calf stalls

UVM Animal and Veterinary Sciences Lecturer and CREAM Advisor Stephen Wadsworth, DVM, has been awarded the 2022 Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award for his positive impact on students both in and beyond the classroom. The award, given annually by the UVM Office of the Provost, is the highest teaching honor given by the University.

Read more about Steve’s impact on his students.

Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative’s 24-Hour Social Media Takeover

On March 15, the Agroecology & Livelihoods Collaborative, a community of practice based in the Plant and Soil Sciences Department, took the reigns of the Specialty Coffee Association’s social media channels for a 24-hour social media takeover highlighting the ALC’s two decades of research with smallholder coffee farmers in Mesoamerica. Continue reading “Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative’s 24-Hour Social Media Takeover”

VT Governor Celebrates Proctor Maple Research Center 75th Anniversary

group of people in a sugarhouseEarlier this month, our Proctor Maple Research Center (PMRC) hosted Vermont Governor Phil Scott to tap the unofficial “first” maple tree at its facility along the western slope of Mt. Mansfield in Underhill. The event marked the start of maple season in Vermont and the 75th year of sugaring demonstration, research and outreach at PMRC.

Continue reading “VT Governor Celebrates Proctor Maple Research Center 75th Anniversary”