Vermont 4-H Represents at the Big E

A large group of 4-H students with their leaders, all wearing green jackets, are posing together at the Big E event.
Dairy Project Members at the Big E. Photo credit: Amy Parent.

Vermont 4-H members represented their state at the 2022 Big E event, held at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, MA. They participated in the event in several ways, including representing the dairy and horse projects, and at the New England Center where they performed stage presentations and demonstrations for the public. Continue reading “Vermont 4-H Represents at the Big E”

Families Enjoy the Forest, Learn New Skills During Outdoor Family Weekend

A group of children stands around an outdoor camp fire while an adult stirs coals in a large pot.
Campfire cooking with wild edibles. Photo credit: Allison Smith

A great weekend was had by all who attended the 24th annual Outdoor Family Weekend (OFW) event hosted by UVM Extension’s 4-H program, in partnership with the Vermont Departments of Fish and Wildlife (VFW), and Forests, Parks, and Recreation (FPR). This family-friendly event is designed to cultivate connections with the outdoors through camping and the acquisition of new skills. Continue reading “Families Enjoy the Forest, Learn New Skills During Outdoor Family Weekend”