Barlow Recognized for Antimicrobial Resistance Research

NIAMRRE, the National Institute of Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education, gave the member spotlight to Animal and Veterinary Sciences Associate Professor John Barlow for November 2023. He gave a presentation entitled, AMR on Small-to-Medium Sized Dairy Farms in Vermont: Is it Relevant? during their November webinar. Continue reading “Barlow Recognized for Antimicrobial Resistance Research”

Vermont Dairy Farm Emergency Biosecurity Plans & Maps Delivered

An overhead view map of a dairy farm with barns and other structures. Lines on the map show where animals need to be protected from a foreign animal disease introduction.
A Vermont dairy farm mapped for emergency biosecurity planning.

During the summer of 2023, UVM Animal and Veterinary Sciences Research Professor Julie Smith, along with two veterinary student interns, embarked on a project that took them to eight dairy farms across Vermont. Their goal was to help farmers prepare emergency biosecurity plans and maps, in order to respond to a possible foreign animal disease outbreak such as foot-and-mouth disease. Continue reading “Vermont Dairy Farm Emergency Biosecurity Plans & Maps Delivered”

Research on Assessing Vegetable Consumption Published

A plate of cooked vegetables including acorn squash, carrots, and peas.

Nutrition and Food Sciences Assistant Professor Trishnee Bhurosy led research that analyzed a method to assess vegetable consumption in college nutrition programs. The publication in the Journal of American College Health is entitled, Reliability of a frequency method for assessing vegetable intake using photos among college students: a smartphone approach. Continue reading “Research on Assessing Vegetable Consumption Published”