CALS PhD student in Sustainable Development, Policy, Economics and Governance and Gund Institute Graduate Fellow Lizah Makombore serves as an elected student member of the board of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE).

As part of her role with ISEE, Makombore would like to extend an invitation to the UVM community to attend the 17th Biennial Conference of the ISEE entitled, Economies for life: Alliances for practicing ecological economics in a world in transition. The conference will take place in Santa Mata, Colombia, from October 23 to 28, 2023. Attendees may submit different types of conference proposals also known as tracks and abstracts:
- First call – regular track deadline is Feb 17, 2023 .
- Second call – abstracts for regular tracks deadline is March 10, 2023.
- Special tracks, format-free events and abstracts for regular tracks deadline – May 2, 2023.
An announcement of regular tracks for the conference will occur on March 3, 2023.
The conference will innovate on several fronts, including the use of pre-recorded presentations, aiming to enhance the time for in-person exchanges.
Visit the conference website for details about the conference and the call. Lastly, if you are not a member of the ISEE you may become a member via the ISEE website. Contact Makombore with questions or early ideas.