CALS New Hires-May 2023

Andrew Magnuson, Postdoctoral Associate, Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Andrew MagnusonMagnuson received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Cornell University, with a distinction in research focusing on laying hen nutrition. This was followed by a Master of Science in Poultry Nutrition from the University of Arkansas, where he determined novel plasma biomarkers for phosphorus metabolism which translate across breeders to their broiler progeny. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-May 2023”

Nutrition and Food Science Major Competes in e-Fest

A label for a product concept called Mitey Bites.

Nutrition and Food Science major Dahlia Rosen is part of a company called Mitey Bites, with partner and co-founder Vladamiere Perry, an entrepreneurship and marketing major at SUNY Plattsburgh. They started the company in October 2021 and have been working hard on advancing it since. Mitey Bites is a snack food company which will utilize insect powder to create sustainable, delicious, and nutritionally well-rounded snacks. Continue reading “Nutrition and Food Science Major Competes in e-Fest”

Three UVM Animal Science Alumni Who are Giving Back

Katie Berkelhamer holding two horses by their reins, Madison Simonds standing next to a black bull cow, Rachel (Lundsted) Richardson is hammering a horse shoe.
From left to right: Katie Berkelhamer, Madison Simonds, Rachel (Lundsted) Richardson.

Katie Berkelhamer is currently a science teacher at Essex High School and one of the University of Vermont Dressage Team coaches. Originally from New York and Connecticut, Berkelhamer graduated from UVM in 2017 with a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science. She then continued at UVM to earn a Master of Arts in Teaching. Continue reading “Three UVM Animal Science Alumni Who are Giving Back”