UVM Extension Pollinator Support Specialist Laura Johnson and Extension Vegetable and Berry Specialist Vern Grubinger have been awarded a $97,863 grant from the Northeast Risk Management Education Program for the project, Cover Crop Sequences to Support Pollinators and Soil Health on Diversified Vegetable Farms. Continue reading “Grant to Study Pollinators and Cover Cropping Awarded”
Search for Scientific Director to Lead World-Class Maple Research

The University of Vermont Proctor Maple Research Center (PMRC) is an internationally known hub of basic and applied research, demonstration, and education that supports the maple industry.
UVM’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Department of Plant Biology are currently searching to hire a scientific director for PMRC, at the rank of associate or full professor, to guide the Center’s research direction. They seek an innovative and experienced researcher with a nationally or internationally recognized research program, grounded in the basic science of tree biology, with clear potential for translational application to maple health, sap, and/or syrup production. Continue reading “Search for Scientific Director to Lead World-Class Maple Research”
Northeast SARE Graduate Student Research Grants Available
Northeast SARE Graduate Student Research Grants fund students conducting research under the supervision of a faculty advisor on sustainable agriculture topics of importance to Northeast farmers, agricultural researchers, and farm support professionals. Continue reading “Northeast SARE Graduate Student Research Grants Available”
Northeast SARE Partnership Grants Available
Northeast SARE Partnership Grants fund researchers, educators and agricultural service providers working in direct partnership with farmers in the Northeast. Funded projects will design and implement innovative solutions to agricultural sustainability challenges, and strengthen connections between farmers and agricultural service providers. Continue reading “Northeast SARE Partnership Grants Available”
UVM Student Testifies for Legislation on Youth and Tobacco Use
For his Public Communication Capstone Project, PCOM Senior Marcus Aloisi partnered with the Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community to help launch their tobacco prevention campaign, BHS Elevate, at Burlington High School. The capstone project, led by Community Development and Applied Economics Lecturer Ben Dangl, gives public communication students the opportunity to work with nonprofit and municipal community partners, to develop professional level communications strategies and materials. Aloisi, along with Chantal Finley, also a PCOM student, conducted interviews with high school and UVM students to create a sense of understanding between high school and college age tobacco use. Continue reading “UVM Student Testifies for Legislation on Youth and Tobacco Use”