Margaret Skinner was quoted in this story from WCAX about Claussen’s Greenhouses’ recognition by the Northeast IPM Center for their use of Integrated Pest Management techniques. Continue reading “CALS in the News-February 2023”
Across the Fence Highlights-December 2022
Soil Steaming Research
Extension Vegetable Nutrient Management Specialist Becky Maden and PSS Professor Deb Neher were featured in an Across the Fence episode on 11/1/22 on the benefits of soil steaming. Tune in to learn how commercial vegetable growers use soil steaming in high tunnels to eradicate weeds and pathogens.
Continue reading “Across the Fence Highlights-December 2022”
November 2022 CALS in the News
An article in Farm Week Now quotes data from the UVM Tourism Research Center, and quotes Lisa Chase.
A WCAX story covers UVM student eco-reps collecting food scraps via electric cargo bikes. Continue reading “November 2022 CALS in the News”
Workshop on Agritourism Draws International Audience

After two postponements because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the International Workshop on Agritourism was finally able to come together in Burlington, Vermont, from August 30 to September 1, 2022. Continue reading “Workshop on Agritourism Draws International Audience”
August 2022 CALS in the News
CALS and Extension faculty, staff and students are making headlines for their commentaries, research findings, as subject matter experts, and for outreach collaborations. Below is a collection of recent stories. Continue reading “August 2022 CALS in the News”