CALS New Hires-September 2023

Anaka Aiyar, Assistant Professor, Community Development and Applied Economics

Anaka AiyarAnaka Aiyar is a health economist who is passionate about studying health and food security of people living in resource constrained contexts. Her research program adopts a transdisciplinary perspective in evaluating health interventions and offers actionable recommendations to enhance the efficacy of health interventions. Aiyar’s research explores questions related to access, affordability, availability, of community resources and the impacts of policies on these resources. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-September 2023”

CALS New Hires-August 2023

Trishnee Bhurosy, Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Trishnee BhurosyTrishnee Bhurosy is a behavioral scientist with a research focus on improving nutrition equity and food security. She is addressing the behavioral and social determinants of nutrition behaviors underlying chronic conditions such as cancer.

Bhurosy has specific interests in better understanding how mobile technology and the active engagement of community stakeholders can be leveraged in nutritional interventions. Her scholarly work has been published in flagship journals of nutrition education and behavior and behavioral medicine. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-August 2023”

CALS New Hires-July 2023

Chris Skinner, Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Sciences Department

Chris SkinnerR. Chris Skinner is joining the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences (NFS) as assistant professor of nutrition. Skinner’s lab will focus on how nutrition impacts metabolic health, as well as investigating the potential of novel functional foods developed from waste. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-July 2023”

CALS New Hires-May 2023

Andrew Magnuson, Postdoctoral Associate, Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Andrew MagnusonMagnuson received a Bachelor of Science in Animal Science from Cornell University, with a distinction in research focusing on laying hen nutrition. This was followed by a Master of Science in Poultry Nutrition from the University of Arkansas, where he determined novel plasma biomarkers for phosphorus metabolism which translate across breeders to their broiler progeny. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-May 2023”