CALS New Hires-January 2024

Carly Bass, Grazing Technician, Center for Sustainable Agriculture

Carly BassCarly Bass is the new grazing specialist within the Champlain Valley Crop, Soil, and Pasture Team and the Center for Sustainable Agriculture. She is based at the UVM Extension Middlebury office, and will provide technical assistance, outreach, and education to farmers in Addison County and southward into Southern Vermont.

Bass has always been passionate about animals but did not get a lot of exposure to agriculture growing up in the Maryland suburbs of D.C. She began horseback riding at an early age as a way to interact with animals every day. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-January 2024”

Lizzy Pope’s UVM Students are Sometimes Bile, Often Viral, and Almost Always Engaged!

Lizzy Pope
Lizzy Pope

Lizzy Pope asks her students to embody bile, triglycerides, or hydrochloric acid, and then they learn about fat digestion as part of a musical which utilizes multiple pop songs to help students remember the science of nutrition. This is just one tactic in her full arsenal of educational tools developed during her nine years as a UVM professor.  She has developed this strategy to keep her large classes such as Fundamentals of Nutrition—which usually enrolls close to 300 students per term—learning the science of nutrition. Getting students engaged in a class this size is a challenge for any faculty member, but Pope has piloted multiple strategies that have led to high levels of student-reported satisfaction with her teaching. Continue reading “Lizzy Pope’s UVM Students are Sometimes Bile, Often Viral, and Almost Always Engaged!”