UVM Extension Hosting 2023 Dairy Goat Farm Tours

A herd of white and brown dairy goats are standing next to a red barn.

UVM Extension is co-hosting a series of farm tours of commercial goat dairies across Vermont. Connect with other goat dairy producers and with Extension dairy specialists to see and discuss parlor and barn design, herd health, goat dairy financials, grazing, considerations for value-added production, and more.

Goat dairy producers of all sizes, those interested in starting or transitioning to goat dairy production, and agricultural service providers are all welcome! All events are free and registration is requested. Coffee and light snacks will be provided.

Register for each tour here – https://go.uvm.edu/goatdairytours

Tour Dates

  1. April 19, 12 2:00 p.m.
    Joneslan Farm, Hyde Park
  2. May 10, 12 2:00 p.m.
    Bridgman Hill Farm, Hardwick
  3. May 23, 12 2:00 p.m.
    Tups Crossing Farm, Orwell
  4. May 26, 12 2:00 p.m.
    Ayers Brook Goat Dairy, Randolph
  5. May 31, 12 2:00 p.m.
    Blue Ledge Farm, Salisbury

Click here to download the dairy goat tour flyer (PDF).

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