Saffron Research Sparks Numerous Inquiries About Production

Crocus flowers showing stamens for saffron collection.

The research and outreach program of the UVM North American Center for Saffron Research and Development, led by Plant and Soil Science Research Professor Margaret Skinner and Professor Bruce L. Parker, has been in the news a lot in recent months. Since 2015, scientists at the Center have been conducting research on the potential of saffron as a high-value crop to support small, diversified farmers. Continue reading “Saffron Research Sparks Numerous Inquiries About Production”

Research Puts Socio-Politico-Technical Processes into Climate Change Modeling

Model of climate change social and physical feedback
Graphic of the climate-social model components and feedback processes. Components are shown in black and the model feedback processes in green. Feedback processes are identified as positive (+) (that is, reinforcing) or negative (−) (that is, dampening). The black arrow shows a connection between components (policy-adoption effect) that is not directly part of a particular feedback process.

Plant Biology Professor Brian Beckage (with a joint appointment in the Department of Computer Science and a Gund Fellow) is co-author of the recently published study in the journal Nature entitled, Determinants of emissions pathways in the coupled climate-social system. Continue reading “Research Puts Socio-Politico-Technical Processes into Climate Change Modeling”