CALS in the News-April 2024

Megaphone shouting news about agriculture.

CDAE Assistant Professor Trisha Shrum was interviewed by WCAX for research on willingness to support climate action after experiencing extreme weather.

Trisha Shrum was interviewed by WCAX about Burlington’s inadequate nature spaces. She stated this can make properties less affordable, and the increase in housing values can lead to gentrification. Continue reading “CALS in the News-April 2024”

Vermont Pasture Research Includes State’s First Dung Beetle Survey

A shiny, black dung beetle walking on grass.
Dung beetle. Photo credit: Bryony Sands.

Grazed pastures are complex ecosystems, and their functionality depends on interactions between plants, animals, soils, manure, and the people that manage them. Invertebrates in these ecosystems fulfill various ecological roles, such as decomposition, predation, and pollination, that we depend on for the productivity of our land and livestock. Management decisions aimed at controlling one aspect of an ecosystem are likely to affect the other components in complicated ways. Continue reading “Vermont Pasture Research Includes State’s First Dung Beetle Survey”

CALS in the News-March 2024

Megaphone shouting news about agriculture.

CDAE Assistant Professor Trisha Shrum was interviewed by WCAX about the way Vermonters spend their money and how it will evolve as extreme weather occurrences increase.

USDA NIFA announced funding for a project on sheep and goat farmer collaboration and education, with the UVM Extension Center for Sustainable Agriculture. Outreach Specialist Kelsie Meehan is the lead on the project. Continue reading “CALS in the News-March 2024”