Ensuring Equitable and Continued Investment in Northern Border Communities

A graphical map showing the Northeast U.S. states and New York, with colored representations for resilience areas.
Northern Border Regional Commission Total Resilience Index

A report based on a collaborative study about community resilience in the Northern Border region of the United States has been published. It is entitled, A Resilience Indicators Approach to Ensuring Equitable, Objective, and Continued Investment in Northern Border Communities.

University of Vermont researchers were members of the collaboration team, including Department of Nutrition and Food Science Associate Professor Meredith Niles, and Center for Rural Studies Research Project Specialists Claire Whitehouse, Kelly Hamshaw, and Kerry Daigle.

A webinar will be held on Thursday, May 25 at 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) to provide a brief overview and discussion of the Northern Border Communities report. Register for the webinar to learn more about the past, current, and future of these critical rural communities – https://maine.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcofuGoqj4jH929KH3VmWy3olf_IGf45eXk#/registration

According to the University Maine’s Center for Research on Sustainable Forests press release, “Collaborators from the University of Maine, the University of Vermont, Hubbard Brook Research Foundation, and the USDA Forest Service have released a report aimed at understanding community resilience in the Northern Border region, particularly following the pandemic. The federally designated region, encompassing areas of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York that border Canada, is more likely to have higher levels of unemployment, population loss, and lower incomes than neighboring areas. The goal of this report is to address these issues by providing objective metrics that can help align strategic federal and state investments in the region.”

Click the following link to read the press release and download the report – https://crsf.umaine.edu/2023/05/12/new-report-ensuring-equitable-and-continued-investment-in-northern-border-communities/