CALS New Hires-January 2024

Carly Bass, Grazing Technician, Center for Sustainable Agriculture

Carly BassCarly Bass is the new grazing specialist within the Champlain Valley Crop, Soil, and Pasture Team and the Center for Sustainable Agriculture. She is based at the UVM Extension Middlebury office, and will provide technical assistance, outreach, and education to farmers in Addison County and southward into Southern Vermont.

Bass has always been passionate about animals but did not get a lot of exposure to agriculture growing up in the Maryland suburbs of D.C. She began horseback riding at an early age as a way to interact with animals every day. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-January 2024”

CALS New Hires-November 2023

Barituka Bekee, Post Doctoral Associate, Community Development and Applied Economics

Barituka BekeeBarituka Bekee joins UVM from the University of Missouri where he co-directed the Deaton Scholars Program, and obtained his PhD in agricultural and applied economics, as well as a certificate in society and sustainability. He will be working under Dr. Joe Ament on a project that is focused on measuring the social dimensions of food systems sustainability. Continue reading “CALS New Hires-November 2023”