New Edition of Agroecology Textbook Features PSS/CALS Co-Authors

A stepped garden with different varieties of lettuce growing, in Cuba.

The new edition of the foundational textbook Agroecology is now available! Congratulations to co-authors Professor of Agroecology and Environmental Studies Ernesto Mndez, Plant and Soil Science Research Associate and Lecturer Victor Izzo, Steve Gliessman, Eric W. Engles, and to Agroecology PhD student Andrew Gerlicz who provided editorial support!

The cover of an agroecology textbook entitled, Agroecology: Leading the Transformation to a Just and Sustainable Food System.This edition focuses on the transformations necessary for achieving a just and sustainable food system, capturing agricultural, ecological, economic, social, cultural, and political elements of agroecology. It includes new chapters of relevant topics, such as:

  • Ecological Pest, Weed, and Disease Management
  • Agriculture and the Climate Crisis
  • Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture

The book can be ordered here:

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