A webinar and online series of agritourism business planning trainings will begin on January 23, 2024, led by UVM Extension business experts. Agritourism Business Planning with AgPlan will be taught via Zoom and runs from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. every Tuesday, from February 13 through March 26, 2024.
Agritourism business owners and managers interested in developing a business plan can sign up for the free seven-week training course here – www.uvm.edu/vtrc/future-agritourism-gatherings
Each week will focus on a different section of the process. Anyone who attends all sessions and completes all assignments will have a complete draft of a business plan by the end of March.
Registrations will be accepted until the day of the event. To request a disability-related accommodation to participate, please contact Amber Hunt at (802) 656-7530 or amber.hunt@uvm.edu.