CALS in the News-December 2023

Megaphone shouting news about agriculture.

In a VTDigger article, Kris Stepanuck is credited with the education initiatives she has undertaken about salt brine and protecting water quality by applying less road salt to treat roads during the winter.

Vermont 4-H Staff Receive National Recognition: Martha Seifert, Liz Kenton, Molly McFaun and Allison Smith.

The Adirondack Daily Enterprise mentions UVM Extension Professor Emeritus Leonard Perry’s definitive article on caring for poinsettias year-round, in their article on growing poinsettias. Click on this link to read Perry’s care instructions.

Studies have concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic likely led to an increase in eating disorders. US News and World Reports referenced Nutrition and Food Sciences Associate Professor Lizzy Pope’s research on TikTok messaging and its impact on adolescent that contributes to disordered eating behaviors.

CDAE Professor and Interim Chair Asim Zia was quoted in an article from Dawn about the COP28 Summit in Dubai. Zia was attending a meeting where Pakistan officials are planning to establish a new inter-agency data sharing system to improve access to information that will help promote climate resilience. He said that these systems include early warnings and early actions in short and long-term planning.

An article in Lancaster Farmer about farm succession links to a UVM Extension Agribusiness form to begin the conversation with their agricultural business educators.

Asim Zia was quoted in an article for Business Today about the impact that global sea level rise from climate change will have on people living in river delta areas.

UVM Extension Associate Professor Mark Cannella and Maple Specialist Mark Isselhardt were interviewed for a Vermont Business Magazine article about the sustainability of Vermont’s maple syrup industry, and a project that will collect data through the Maple Sustainability Indicators Project.

CDAE Professor Emeritus Jane Kolodinsky published research entitled, U.S. consumer support for genetically modified foods: Time trends and assessments of four GM attributes, in the GM Crops & Food journal.

Extension Professor Lisa Chase was featured in a National Public Radio story about agritourism and new regulations that are being debated in Washington state’s Skagit Valley.

Meat+Poultry wrote about the National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) recently approving the formation of a new council called the Animal Disease Issues & Emergency Management Council. UVM Animal & Veterinary Sciences Research Professor Julie M. Smith will serve as a co-chair.

Extension Professor Vern Grubinger was interviewed by WCAX about the changes in plant hardiness zones and the updated USDA map.

UVM Extension staff Becky Madden and Nikki Lennart were given credit by the owners of Blackbird Organics for valuable business support while purchasing a farm in Marshfield, in a Hardwick Gazette article.

Extension Master Gardener Deborah Benoit wrote about the “semi-parasitic” mistletoe plant and its natural history for the Manchester Journal.

Extension Master Gardener Deborah Benoit wrote about perfect plants for the holidays including poinsettias, amaryllis and Christmas cactus for the Williston Observer.

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