Jon Deloge and Lizzie Devane started Slipstream Farm in Newfane, VT in 2021, to grow and sell fresh mushrooms at farmer’s markets and to specialty markets and restaurants. They currently grow five varieties of fresh mushrooms and also produce mushroom-based tinctures. Their goal is to expand their business operations and increase production and sales by 50 to 75 percent, and they are also exploring the production and sale of compost using the nutrient-dense by-products of their mushroom cultivation process.
Deloge and Devane reached out to the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB) to enroll in their Farm and Forest Viability Program. They were seeking help with revising their business plan, and to learn more about marketing, product diversification, and how to make Slipstream Farms energy-intense operation more efficient. Through the program, they were connected with the UVM Extension Farm Viability team and are working with business educator Jeremy Russo.
Russo is currently helping Slipstream Farm refine their business plan. He has also connected them with other technical assistance providers, based on the farms specific needs. For example, Slipstream Farm is now consulting with the UVM Extension Agricultural Engineering Program to enhance the energy efficiency of their operations. They are also receiving help from NOFA VT Marketing Technical Assistance Services to update their tincture labels.
According to Deloge & Devane, “the Farm and Forest Viability Program has been invaluable to our small farm, connecting us with experts we wouldn’t have otherwise had access to and helping us brainstorm, strategize, and develop as a business. We are grateful to UVM Extension, and to the state for supporting small producers with programs like this.”
Both Extension Farm Viability and Forest Business programs are currently accepting applications for business planning services. Those interested in assistance can complete a brief intake form.